Dimi%s's Photo
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  • Belgium Belgium

  • I noticed that since I have a full time job I can't find the time to rate parks anymore, or not as frequently as I did before, so you can remove from the panel if you want. I wouldn't like to be the one everybody's waiting for until a park can get released. I enjoyed it though and maybe I can rejoin later. :)

  • Haha a swinging ship in a zone themed after a landlocked country with hardly any navigable rivers? But it's a great to see how wonderful this area has turned out!

  • Two beautiful Christmas gifts! Really appreciate it, thanks a lot.

  • Nice screen, I'm looking forward to seeing more from that coaster! But I'm not sure about the foliage. I think you use too many different tree types (types that also don't go together very well). Maybe you should decide between temperate or tropical foliage to begin with.

  • Wonderful, love the different colours of the supports!


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