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  • Thanks Arjan. You're right, this is infuriating, and most of the time when I place identical objects in the same spot as the ghost object I still can't get the ghost object to delete, even after many repeated attempts.

    Would you mind linking to the thread (assuming you're able to do a search) in the ask the experts forum?
  • Ok, next question (apologies if this is an old one that's been answered a million times, but search is "temp disabled" apparently).

    What gives with all the floating, ghosted scenery pieces? How do I get rid of them?

    Posted Image

    I'm using 8Cars, and there's a "Remove Floating Objects" feature that I assume would fix the issue I'm having, but according to the readme is "not yet implemented."
  • Thanks for the responses, guys. And Liampie, that thread is a big help, I'll be trying it tonight.

    Well I don't have an answer for you, but I do have some songs by a band named Fork from like ten years ago. Good to see you around again. :)/>/>

    HA! Holy CRAP! What's up man? I can't believe you still have those. I think I have more from a demo we never finished a year or two later. Band is loooong gone, though.

    I see a lot of names I remember from the D-net days, but it seems like so few post anymore. I don't think I've spoken to anyone from that time in at least the last decade. It's good to be back, hopefully I'll stick around.


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