Sulakke Go to post #794574
This is really nice, Faas! I love the atmosphere. Two things that I think could be done better: the exit path of Karel looks tight. Relocating those planters with ornamental trees to the other side of the fence would help. I also think breaking up the dark grey roof top by adding a part that is slightly higher and has some different texture would look better.
Sulakke Go to post #794308
This is great, but somehow it's missing something to make it really special. Like Turtle said, it looks a bit lifeless, too sterile. More peeps might help, but also some more bins etc. wouldn't hurt I think. Personally, I think some small planters (maybe with some weird space plants) would really elevate this, but I get that you want to keep away from those. I love all the structures and colors you used.
Sulakke Go to post #794307
Love this, Alex. I want to point out some things that I especially love: the rocks with algae, the blue metal frameworks and lamps, the carousel and the coaster supports. I agree with Jene about the rockwork and the tear pattern in the path. Somehow that doesn't work.
Sulakke Go to post #793893
I've made a dot map a few weeks ago, but somehow I forgot to post it in here. Here it is for anyone who wonders who did what on our park:
dot map raveland.png (892.41KB)
downloads: 72When I joined the Gardeners, Belgian Guy had already finished the coaster and rockwork in the middle part of the map and MK did some architecture. They asked me to focus on adding the festival vibes, just like I did earlier on X-Games Alcatraz. I really enjoyed building all the smaller festival stalls and art installations, like the lemonade stall, the colorful cacti and the flamingo observation platform. Fisch was added to the map in the last week to polish some areas, add some cool details and push the overall quality of the map. We all had a lot of fun building this map and the end result came out better than we would have expected. I'm especially proud of how we managed to have a decent macro composition despite all the loose and small elements. We were unlucky to face such a strong map though and the Soda Jerk victory was well deserved.
Sulakke Go to post #793334
Probably the smallest amount of pixels an object maker has ever produced during a H2H season, but I want to point this one out since I'm sure it's overlooked by many of you and it might be a useful one: a new sauce bottle object. No need for blocky sauce bottles again.
Screenshot_20240720_062507_Discord.jpg (37.83KB)
downloads: 72Screenshot_20240720_061841_Samsung Internet.jpg (54.44KB)
downloads: 73