Turtle Go to post #796314
oooohhh that water coloring is AWESOME, kinda feels glowy like avatar at night. i don't love the orange color of the ride, and tend to agree with the above that the multiple tracks are slightly messy. would be awesome to have little lights in the bright yellow color dotted around the track maybe?
Turtle Go to post #796308
very nice this, quite poignant actually. classy. i really like the church building, and the foliage and leaves under the trees are great!
Turtle Go to post #796295
great vibes here, loved this map. the sand is especially well done and really adds to the atmosphere.
Turtle Go to post #796256
i think this is a step up from the last map i saw from you, good stuff! the overall cohesiveness of the park as a whole is definitely an improvement, but is still my main sticking point. on a micro level there are so many excellent little details, perspective tricks, very high skill level stuff. the supports are excellent, and the catwalk etc.. just really smart and clean execution.
i also very much liked the flume, and the queue line for both the flume and the coaster. my favorite little clever details (of which there are many) - the kitchen with frozen peeps cooking, the raft/support awnings, train vehicle transport backstage (lovely layering) and the Hakugei entrance tower.
Turtle Go to post #796224
this is really good. there are a couple of things that i'd change as i agree with a couple of people that it's very busy.
- in general, smoothly transition colors where you can. i.e. dark rock to light sand, right now there's quite a harsh line between areas of color on the screen. if you can use interim colors to transition between dark and light colors it'll feel more natural.
- i've found fisch rocks to work best when the two colors are either the same or very similar - kinda the same as the above point, but keep the browns a similar color where you can and it'll feel smoother.
- the light wavy lines on the right are kinda eye-grabbing, they feel a little too uniform. if you can break up the continuous lines with some foliage, or rocks, or organic shapes, it'll feel more natural.
overall it's clear that the skill level is there and what you're building is really interesting, looking forward to seeing more!