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  • Playstation 3 sucks.

  • The New York Times today had an article about how the PS3 is an overly-priced and unfinished console, stuffed beyond compacity with computer cells, ultimately reaching a level of graphics that are only marginally better than what the 360 can produce. And while the ad contained some postive remarks, the over-all tone of the article was prodominantly negative. Who ever wrote it added that its online capabilities are terrible, and that the controllers aren't truely wireless (syncing a controller with a PS3 must be done via a cable).

    I've had an Xbox 360 since last Christmas, and it's easily my favorite console of all time. I know graphics aren't everything, but when you have them it's something that's easy to appreciate. That's not to say there don't exist any great games for it, I just currently purchased Gears of War and Double Agent, both of which are solid games. In addition, the console launched a year earlier than the PS3, and surpasses it in functionality greatly. Its online service is easy to use, with a beautiful and seemless interface to boot. Not to mention the controllers are sexy as hell.

    Also, I camped out with my friend over Saturday night to pick up a Wii. Seriously, this console is fucking awesome. Who would have thought Wii Sports would ever be so addicting. Not to mention Twilight Princess is like sex. The controller is just the coolest thing in the world.
  • Second one was better in my opinion. The traps in the first one weren't so much possible to escape as the ones in the second.
  • That is basically Sheikra.
  • I'm insulted.


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