Koaster Kid%s's Photo
Koaster Kid
  • Offline
  • South Africa South Africa

  • There are some kind of 'precedence rules' which occur whenever you merge. It has something to do with which track you merge into the other, and what direction it is going. I don't know the rules for sure yet, but I've noticed some patterns. I will post them when I get it all worked out. If anyone has beat me to it, then at least this helps my sagging post count.
  • Now I see where you come up with that '100 feet'.
    I think he means 10' by 10' which is what you were saying in the first place. Am I correct?
  • Never mind.

    You were right. Proven once again: I am unutterably stupid.

    Waste of a good 5 mins.
  • I am going to look just in case. I can see that most of them are probably utterly useless but anyway. There might (0.1%) be a chance of finding something interesting. I'll let you all know if I find something.
  • I am so stupid.

    Uh, anyway I heard somewhere about a .dat compressor or something that you can use to make your own scenery tabs. Can anyone give me more info? (I have totally no clue where I saw this.)


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