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  • Making a completely enclosed and boring building and justifying with "Maybe there's something cool inside" is admittedly, one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

    Maverix, not sure about those tents over the line, also the texture used for the line doesnt' really work for me. The building at the top looks really interesting though.

    QFT. I agree with both parts. mrbuckeye, it seems like you're pretty new to the community and coming from experience as a rookie RCT player, you might want to take your punches and try to take advice as it comes. Also, don't build to impress anyone here - build because you want to. Build because you have an idea you want to implement. Don't post screens of all your work either - then there's no point of downloading the park if/when you finish it.

    Maverix, I think you're trying to emulate the tents that are stretched over queues at parks (like these in the background / top of the picture) but those look like they're just floating. That seems like a tough structure to pull off - maybe vary their size and use more flat quarter blocks?

    I also REALLY like the lightening bolt you made on the building in the top of the screen. Is it supposed to be like The Flash's logo?
  • CCI - try placing the supports over the track right where the barrel roll meets the half loop.

    Damn 700 pages. I remember when it was just 280 lol

    Well, I remember when it didn't exist. :lol:

    Here's a quick screen of some shanties for the ranch hands and a boathouse I made for the design I'm working on. I would like to get some input on the layout of the coaster but it's current SNAFU due to a failed 8car hack. If you guys get the chance, check out my topic in the Ask the Experts board to help me out if you can.

    Posted Image

    Should I stick with one colored path?


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