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  • Oh, that's better. Whoops. Wrong domain name.
  • um, Crystal Horizons? I don't have the first rct so I don't have a clue! I'll allow somebody else to post if I am correct. The wording was my hint.
  • The inverted rollercoasters remind me of Dueling Dragons. They're the same size, have the same number of inversions, they're the same colors, they're located in the back of the park, etc. The huge lake with the seperate islands looks too much like islands of adventure. Where are all the water rides that the theme of the park would suggest? The entrance of the kiddie coaster doesn't connect to the main path. This reminds me. What are the different themes? You might as well have one island. This park also looks a little too similar to Ports of Magia. Vary the themes more. Don't rip the coasters directly out of an actual park. Well, I guess it was allright (the rides didn't blow up as soon as I opened up the park). That's about all I can say about this park.
  • Out of curiosity, how large is this park? I just signed up.
  • My favorite types are giga and floorless. Giga, for the awesome ratings, floorless because I can make them long without breaking ratings. I've made a 6 mile one that looks like spaghetti noodles. The ride time is so long, that the game asks me to check whether the coaster is stuck or has stalled.


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