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  • Gameboy (the original)
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    Playstation (Given to me last year)

    I'm a Nintendo guy.
  • Do you even update?  :p  Just wondering.  I hardly ever see you on NE, so I really have no way of knowing.  Hope I can pull it out... it's frustrating because the stats I'm losing on (pts, rebounds, assists) are the ones I traditionally dominate. :lol:

    Yup, I update pretty often. Every other day or so. Though I'm not sure why...
    Just checked Yahoo and...somehow you were able to jump ahead, 6-2. :lol:
    And the last games of the season are tonight, so it should be very interesting...
    Just thought I'd drop by to see if there was any talk going on, and to let you guys know that I do actually exist. I was also in the Baseball league last year, if anyone remembers. ;)

    Inferno Man & I ended in a 4-4 tie, and Yahoo's rules are:

    "In the event that a playoff game ends in a tie, the deadlock will be broken using the following system:

    1. Most team points scored.
    2. Most team rebounds.
    3. Highest team field goal percentage.
    4. Highest team free throw percentage.
    5. Fewest team turnovers.
    6. Most team 3-point shots made.
    7. Most team assists.
    8. Most team steals.
    9. Most team blocked shots.
    10. Random "coin flip." "

    Oh, so that's what happened. I actually thought I had lost, so I didn't even check Yahoo for a couple of days afterward...That sucks, but I don't know how else it could have easily been settled. :/

    Good luck, infernoman... wherever you are...

    And to you as well.
    Coming right down to the wire...didn't realize until today that this series is 10 days instead of 7...
  • You know he's an elite NFL receiver if he has to plan his endzone celebrations on a weekly basis.  I love the NFL.

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    But then there's Harrison.

    Love Chad, and can't wait for the celebration tomorrow.
  • it's about motherfucking time.  christ, i hate the colts.

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    Yes we know.
    I could care less whether the Colts won that game or not. They've had a nice run, but now they can put all their focus on the playoffs and rest some starters without the media going crazy.

    The Pats are starting to look a lot better now that they're healthier and such. And as it stands now, they'll most likely end up playing at the Colts in the playoffs...


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