moltenice Go to post #232864
Gosh, I am always so late for things. I would love to sign up for this park, if it's not to late. I am serious about RCT, so if you need someone to start it up for you, I'd fully be in! Oh and, don't cancell me out because of my n00bness, lol, I have been in the community for about 3 years now, and I have been playing rct3 since the beginning. Consider it!
P.S. I think I am the best at themed coasters and entrances, so put me in for one of those if it's possible! -
moltenice Go to post #232858
NICE! But how come these pictures aren't on rct2.com? Like I said at rct2, (I am coldazice) you need to add tunnels to that coaster! That would make it look great!
moltenice Go to post #232850
[COLOR=red][SIZE=1][FONT=Courier][B]WOW! THAT IS [COLOR=green]SOOOOO COOL! [COLOR=orange] You use the limited scenery so amazingly and creativly. I can't wait to see how this one turns out!!! [COLOR=red]This park is so amazing, and luckily, I have an nvidea and xp! Keep it up!
moltenice Go to post #232848
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously, Tracid is right. This is supposed to where people come for feed back and tips on what they can do better, and what they do well, not to listen to two whiny asses bitch about nonsense. -
moltenice Go to post #232517
Jkay has my vote all the way, that park is stunning!