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  • In Taiwan, we sell official RCT2 3 in 1 pack.
    So I bought one again. Cuz the old RCT2 CD i bought before was disappeared.

    I'll try the aboved mentioned method to reinstall it.
    Hope it will work.

    thank you all.
  • I remember once installing TT somewhere and it didn't work either also.
    I believe it had something to do with an object which didn't install correctly but I dont know for sure anymore.
    best thing to try I think it reïnstall tt and click run as administrator if you click the install.

    Thank you.
    I reinstall tt as administrator, but it still don't work....sad....
    (Actually, i always log in as administrator. anyway, i tried it again... :'( )
  • don't know for sure if it says TT on the start up. do you see any TT scenarios?

    I can see TT senarios.
    But i can't play them, the game will show "need TT add-ON".
    It's so ridiculous I am clicking an add-on TT senario. :mad:

    there arn't TT words on the start up screen.
    I think it's the main problem.....
  • It's because both TT and Vista are shit. Nah actually I have no idea, but if you're playing to build things to release here, most members here use only the main game so TT isn't necessary. If you're playing the scenarios then I have no idea.

    thanks for your advice...
    I need TT to be installed just because the park I ever made was built with tt objects.
    it's so sad....

    Are you running RCTModified? TT never runs on that.

    what is RCTModified? a trainer?
    I didn't use any trainer.
    don't you have the same problem?
    Does anyone run TT under VISTA?



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