TWX Go to post #279062
interetsing way of theming, everything is so huge... I like smaller more compact scenery and stuff... but thats just me....
TWX Go to post #278590
I am against the paths..=\ -
TWX Go to post #278531
Eww... That looks like you stole it from the "campaign" maps lol... -
TWX Go to post #277976
Yeah... That is VERY Good work!
TWX Go to post #277662
holy shit thats f***ing AWESOME ! XDGeert - Not on this version. Sorry
makonix & tyandor - Thanks and we will see what we can do
JBruckner - Thanks
coasterfrk - Thanks
Panic - KLAP is also one of my favorites and we hope to do better. As for the fences, this particular version is only in this area of TL.
][ntamin22 - I don't see a cricket stadium in the mix just yet but you never know.
Xenon - Thanks
Construction on the park is progressing nicely and Tomorrowland is nearly complete.
Below you will find the entrance to Space Mountain along with a glimpse of Rocket Rods, PeopleMover, Flying Saucers and "Honey I Shrunk the Audience" 3-D show.