Sarrowa%s's Photo
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  • Personally, I would not recomend upgradeing to xp but if you want to :p. Yes Memory is very easy to install, how much memory do you have in there now by the way? As far as that price, yes it is a ripoff. Go here for some memory..or any other computer hardware. TigerDirect has always been good and reliable for check it out.

  • Whatdya know, I'm new also. Well kinda, I used to be known as "Gzill" but if you read it wrong it came out to be something worse. I stopped playing RCT for a long time to work on the fabled "MEMod" for Morrowind. Then I quit that to start playing RCT again lol isn't it terrible how things work? If your wondering I'm 17 now :w00t: and suprisingly I recognize a few people here...well thanks!


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