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  • After several months away from rct (due to travelling), I come back to find two beautiful parks on display at New Element, Bijou Magique and Bayfront park. After a long look around both I was truly stunned on a number of occasions. The difference between the two parks is notable. Bayfront Park is better in parts but worse in others and that in my opinion is what costs Kumba a spotlight, consistency. The park I think should have won spotlight though, as the "bad areas" were few and far between. Even so the good areas were so brilliant and original that the park in my eyes is a spotlight. The daft thing is Kumba, you know where these "bad areas" are yourself, a little more time on these areas and the park could well be very high up that list of Iris's.

    So perhaps you only have yourself to blame. ;)

    Still, it is one of the greatest RCT2 parks created and perhaps the best ever park not make spotlight. It just shows how good you have to be to make spotlight, and makes me realise that parkmakers like me will never be sunbathing under that glorious light.

    Congratulations, maybe next time your undeniable talent will be rewarded with the prize a parkmaker of your quality deserves. (Hell if there is not there is no hope for most of us).
  • A nice addition to the rct community, so congrats. I will be checking the site every so often. NE will always be the god of rct sites tho!
  • just like to say a personal thanks to rctfan, who showed a pic of my qftb entry and guided people on how to get it open, and to phantage who released this very useful program. So Thanks!
  • all of you can check out my entry nero's fury now, which is in the inverters bracket. It is a nice entry in my opinion but a lot of people either went to download toons straights away (which is understandable) and not bother trying to open mine which is nigh on impossible before this little invention.

    I will see if it works!
  • looking real promising, all I can say is to keep it up!

    I would add some colourful flowers in the first screens, to give it a little more of a theme park feel.


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