RollerC Go to post #151443
The scariest thing that happened me is when me and my cousins were riding bikes down my aunts hill. its not a rinky dink hill. It goes winding down for a about 6 miles. Well, they live by the woods and in the depth of the woods is an indian burial graves. Me and my 4 cousins were speeding down it. Our bikes had pegs so we didnt need for bikes. Well.... about half way down, my cousin looses control and rames in to me and we both go flying into the woods. I hit a log and the cousin that was on my pegs goes flying off and down a 40 foot ravine with me behind him. After we all made sure that everyone was Ok, we started back up the hill, but since we never went that far in the woods, we were lost. After about 6 hours of walking, we here noises. It sounded like someone was behind us. We walked faster. It got dark. Then the real freaky stuff happened. We kept seeing glowing eyes in the distance. I was so scared that I wanted to kill my self. I had a mental break down. Then out of no where, a helicopter appears over head. It was like a miracle. Then the police and my parents came running behind us. I was so happy. We then learned that we were at the entrance of the Burial grave. I was grounded for two months for leaving without my cell.. Till this day, we still dont know what we saw.