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  • ok, I knew I'd be stepping on toes when I wrote what I did, but it did incite discussion and that was mostly what I was hoping for. I'm not a parkmaker, and not a self-proclaimed or renowned critic for that matter. In spite of my obvious comments, no disrespect to Comet, as he has a design and I do not, nor would I bother to try, I am a purist and consequently too severe on my own work to produce something I would even deem worthy myself. That is also where I'm coming from.

    So, from what pretty much everyone has written in reply, people seem happy with this being design, consequently I have no leg to stand on. So, only thing I have to say is that I was generalizing when I said the "last 4-5 entries" and was not specifically singling out anyone's work. RRP's a legend at NE, as well as many others.

    Parkmaking has changed since RRP's Sea World Atlanta, and Nevis's Atlantis (#2-3 on the list of course). There is a growing trend of realism since RCT2 came out and RoB for sure, and it has forced parkmakers to be more technical; architecturally and in terms of the amount of detail. So, in light of that, this park, imho, doesn't offer that required level of detail. Even so, 5 years ago this wouldn't have made design I don't think. So, it lacks the detail for modern parkmaking standards, and it lacks more than that for historic parkmaking standards.

    So, I will very respectfully disagree with some of the great names at NE right now, but you may disregard this minorities voice and I will not in the slightest be offended.
  • Gotta say the level of these accolades/designs/parks has been going down lately, and sorry, but this is no exception...perhaps the judges should go back and review all the previous entries that are archived, and they will see that the latest 4-5 entries are not quite up to par.
    I know many of you will disagree, and I respectfully figure you will have just cause, but when I see a design of this level I have no anxiety about opening it like I have with so many in the past; the layout is not that great, the atmosphere is lacking, and the overall look/landscaping/foliage does not add to the park.
  • zip file is corrupted...can't open


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