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  • Thanks Natelox...

    I have looked at DFK (which is awesome btw) and found some of the ideas helpful. Thanks

    But, does ne one have a site with pics of MGM, WDSP or DCA's Hollywood coz that would be really helpful :)

    And also, i may add screens next week ( :'( really nervous)

    -=They're herrreee=-
  • Thanks Disney Freak :lol:

    But, im not gonna take your advice on WDSP (no offence :( ) but i think the park does have a certain realism to it (although it is TOO small to be a Disney classic!) , like a working studio and that is the theme i want to create in my park...

    I may add screens later, but im only a nOOb and im scared of all the comments
    thanks again...

    any more??? please???



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