Corkscrewed Go to post #632467
You never forget your first message board...
OK, this wasn't my first message board, but it was among the first. lol
Corkscrewed Go to post #632039
Ah, gotcha. I couldn't actually remember. Although in trying to, I did remember the time Emergo tracked me down in France and left a message at the hotel I was staying in that Kumba had taken over NE. Good times.
Corkscrewed Go to post #632030
Well, now everyone's coming out of the woodwork. We just need Fatha' here, and we'll be halfway toward reuniting the Danimation ex-pats. lol
I'm doing well. Being all grown up and shit with work and having my own place and stuff. How about you? Ever gonna make it out to LA? If you do and need a place in Orange County to crash, just let me know. lol
...I wonder who else we can get to post here... and I'm trying to remember who I've met from NE IRL now...
Did NOT get to meet Adix at WDW when I went 4 yrs ago, and have never met Iris, but over the years, I have met geewhzz, Roomie, Kumba (I think... once), RCTNW, iBrent, Pacificoaster, Fatha, Coaster Ed, Blitz, and probably a few others I can't remember at the moment. And I *almost* met ToonTowner that one time at Disneyland...
Corkscrewed Go to post #631955
Oly crap, I check NE on a whim cuz I was just chatting with geewhzz, and the first topic I see has a response from Iris to a mega-old bumped post from Adix?!?!?!
Also, cool, my account still works.
Also, also, hey, what's up?