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  • I sent a PM to Sambo earlier today about the access problems and he said the are still constructing or reconstructing some parts of the forums. At times for the next couple days if you don't get in it means they restricted access briefly. Just check back a bit later. They are just fine. No worries
  • Well after Two days of playing with MyIE2 I have to admit it is staying.

    Excellent browser and it integrates with my AIRoboform.

    Did a speed test with it and came back at 2778 kbs. So I think they have something here. Give it a try. I did and very happy I did so.

    Thanks for the heads up guys! :scarface:
  • [font="Arial"]
    MYIE2, it's just like IE except it has skins, faster browsing, and doesn't have all the holes IE does.

    Thank you very much Aperix for your suggestion. I had been using FlashPeak SlimBrowser for quite a long time now and it has many of the features of MyIE2 and it also takes care of the security holes and the pop up war that seems to have grown over time. HOWEVER MyIE2 has many other features I have never seen before. The mouse over function is great and The most favorites feature will be incredible. I have a very large favorites list but lets face it you dont use them all all the time and this takes care of the hassles. I still haven't gone through everything else in here but it was well worth taking a peek at. :scarface:
  • I think that first pic of glass windows looks shithouse... sorry...

    Please have the courtesy of at the very least being civil:@

    You know I have asked many object makers to try to create objects like this to allow flexability in window heights. Tom is the first one who has even attempted to accomplish this let alone actually done something about it.

    Tom you are wonderful. Thank you so much for listening to me and attempting to create something that was REQUESTED. How ever long it takes I don't care. Take your time. I have waited this long a bit longer will not hurt me one bit.

    It is stuff like this that drives our wonderful object makers and ride makers right out of the community. 8@
  • We have three cars

    1998 Kia Sportage 4x4 XL
    1992 Geo metro....hubbies go to work car
    1979 Cutlass Supreme ............Street Rod


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