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  • In the over 4 years I've been a member here, I have recieved my first nomination!!! (It's the write-up for Hyatt Ocean Adventures). Definitely one of my better ones. Thanks guys.

    Also, one of the better years for awards. I liked all my selections! Good luck everyone.
  • This is by far my favorite work from you so far. In my original write-up for this, I had written a section on the difference of opinions on all the high caliber parks that everyone around here has (I later rewrote that part to not sound argumentative). While it's easy to "compare" to other parks made by other people, I try to make my opions based on what I know about that parkmakers abilities and previous work. So, in MY OPINION, I find some of the remarks of this park being "boring" are slightly unfair. But that is just MY OPINION. Furthermore, my interperatation of what spotlight means lead me to think this one deserved it. Either way, I loved the park!
  • My SOONERS are taking their shakey, questionable team up to Cincy this week. Not the same Cincy we had in Norman a couple years ago. Gilliard and Pike are a BIG spot missing... This one still has potential to be a good/close game. I hope not, we need another blowout before going into the Texas week.
  • ^^^^agreed^^^^

    I like what Shanahan has done in south beach but opening with Pitt and then Bucks on the road is a big statement to be made. That opening schedule is the reason I don't see the canes making an impact early, although they could make a statement right off the bat
  • Hey Marlin I just subscribed to it but if you have a write up done than I'll unsubsribe so you can go again.

    jusmith: I apreciate the offer. However, if you've already started, then its not a big deal to me. But if you haven't started on it yet then I'll go ahead and finish it.... I hope we're talking about the same park.

    Either way it won't hurt my feelings.


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