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  • Regarding a troll police officer

    "Detritus was particularly good when it came to asking questions. He had three basic ones. There was the direct ('Did you do it?'), the persistent ('Are you sure it wasn't you, what done it?') and the subtle ('It was you what done it, wasn't it?'). Although they were not the most cunning set of questions ever devised, Detritus's talent was to go on patiently asking them for hours on end, until he got the right answer, which was generally something like: 'Yes! Yes! I did it! I did it! Now please tell me what it was I did!"

    Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
  • Dreamland's old owner has sold the park to redevelopers. They obviously would like to redevelop the land into a shopping precinct and housing as it would make them a lot more money then running a not hugely successful amusement park.

    The scenic railway however was built in 1916 and is grade two listed, meaning that they can't just demolish it, as it is of historic interest, and they would suffer huge fines and possible prison terms. This rather throws a spanner in the works for redeveloping the area.

    In addition the local residents and Save Dreamland campaign have voted during a consultation that they want to keep an amusement park on site, which was the less financially rewarding of the two options for the developers.

    As a result Dreamland was to become a historic amusement park with lots of old rides saved from other parks which have shut down such as Pleasureland Southport and Rhyl Ocean Beach. Several rides have been aquired and work was due to start to allow the park to reopen in 2009.

    Convinently for the developers however the main attraction of this new park, the Scenic Railway, has burnt down during the night, and police are investigating the blaze as 'Suspicious'. Without the Scenic Railway, not only are the legal limits on construction less, but the ability to operate a successful theme park on the site are greatly reduced, thanks to the loss of the main attraction. Despite the fact that parts of the coaster still stand, I'm not sure how financially viable and practical a repair is. This would make it a lot easier to 'reconsider' and decide to push the shopping precinct option instead.
  • I feel the path could do with breaking up a little, other than that keep up the good work.
  • Really not a good time to be a British rally driver is it? Richard Burns died of a brain tumour only a couple of years ago, Michael Park (Markko Martin's navigator) died in a crash at the 2005 Welsh Rally and now Colin McRae's dead too? It's a real loss to rallying.
  • Since about 1998 when I rode Nemesis for the first time. Any before that are ones I remember riding as a child, it's possible I've got a couple more coasters I just don't remember. I remember riding my first roller coaster aged 4 at Gulliver's World (now Gulliver's Warrington).


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