Darth CheeseBall Go to post #346592
what the hell are you talking about? So he never won any of that, but does he need to? No you dumbass. He dont need to win the Daytona 500 to win a chsmpionship. He is a hell of a driver and has been around for a while. I would love to see him get it this year, even though the chances are slim. Quit talking out of your ass.
Screw you. Mark Martin is a LOSER. Get it. A L-O-S-E-R. All you Mark Martin fans and Dale Earnhadt jr. fans can kiss my ass.
Anyways Martin has crashed 2 Chase races and craped out last time. He sucks and he is pessimistic. Not to mention he's a recovoring alcaholic. -
Darth CheeseBall Go to post #346335
I basicly think Mark Martin is too much of a loser to win ANYTHING. I don't understand why people even like him. He never won the Daytona 500 or even a Chapionship. Plus he alwas crashes. -
Darth CheeseBall Go to post #310320
Don't shit with me. Be serous. -
Darth CheeseBall Go to post #310316
Look I'm Sorry. My ex-girlfriend is a touchey subject.
Forgive Me.