Brian T Hopkins (BTH) Go to post #296120
I enjoy Roller Coaster 3 for the same reason I enjoyed Roller Coaster Tycoon LL.
The field is open as to what can be done. You cant just rip off a million peoples Ideas instead you must create your own just like in the old RCT games.
I embrace the challenges of design RCT3 Creates. -
Brian T Hopkins (BTH) Go to post #296118
I remember when simple things like trees not being all the same collor was a new idea. It's amazing to see what people have done with RCT's tools. -
Brian T Hopkins (BTH) Go to post #296116
In my opinion the greatest park is one that takes elements from all the above and puts them together in a way that is inspiring, believable, and thrilling.
I like my parks to be bigger then what you could picture being created but believable enough to imagine after seeing it in game. -
Brian T Hopkins (BTH) Go to post #296115
Is there a good amount of Groups working on RCT3 projects or group Parks at this time? -
Brian T Hopkins (BTH) Go to post #296114
I'm just starting to get back into the RCT games, I had a project going in RCT2 but when I transferred computers I lost many of my projects.
Currently I am working on a park for RCT3.
What happened to me was I had many things going on in my life. Realizing I could not give the time required to run the Group I gave all the power to a few members of the Masters (at least according to my memory) unfortunately I was not able to return for along time and after few miscommunications lost all influence in the Group. (Whether I gave it up or if it was taken from me I do not remember)
After this I moved on to other games most prominent, Graal Online. I was a level Administrator and Leader of one of the larger guilds in the game. (The Valvian Empire) from around 1999-2003.
Currently I play World of Warcraft on Shattered Hand as a member of |(Adrenaline) I am a 60 PVP Warrior.