(Archive) Advertising District / PFTAMP
08-November 03
Hyperion Offline
Tell me if you think everything looks good and if I should continue. I know it's not much, but I didn't want to keep working on something if everybody thought it was crap.
My bandwith is gone so I had to upload the pictures to Webshots...so here is where you can find my gallery...
http://community.web...ser/absoluterct also 2 new pictures have been uploaded.
Hyperion -
Critic Offline
I like it, with the exception of that the colours are hell with them being so bright, as it would look simply elegant if they were deeper.
Daring doesn't neccesarily have to be bright.
It's good. -
Micool Offline
I think it's wonderful! The colors are great! The yellow AND orange AND red, all in their flourescent color, is maybe a bit too much on the eyes. Anyway it's nothing really special as an entrance but it has nice composure and again, great job on the colors.
Actually I think I figured out the problem - you need a cool color. It's simple artistic necessity to have a good mixture of cool colors amongst warm. Cool colors together work well but only warm colors is harsh. -
Brent Offline
I think they're bright because it's a family oriented park. Meaning, a lot of kids are the target demographic for it (if this were real). Hyperion wouldn't want to use dark colors for a park meant for kids and families, nor would anyone else (unless they're demented).I like it, with the exception of that the colours are hell with them being so bright, as it would look simply elegant if they were deeper.
Daring doesn't neccesarily have to be bright.
It's good.
^_^ -
RaoulXpres Offline
I really like the bright colors but the only thing that bothers me are those red hedges.
Then again, I think they could be a cool trademark of the park if they are used in seveal places, so it could go both ways.
So far, I really like it though. -
Coaster Ed Offline
You know what the problem with the Ad. District is? People post screenshots and then other people give them advice on how to make it look better. It's all just appearances. The truth is, it doesn't matter how the park looks. What matters is the idea behind the park. The heart and soul. The essence perhaps. What are the themes, what are the rides, what is the atmosphere. That's what matters. All you have is an entrance gate, and a rather generic one at that. There's nothing to comment on except does it look good or not and that doesn't really matter. You should be thinking about what goes into the park not what it looks like. Take a look at Micool's 'The Happy Place'. It has bright colors, simplistic architecture, huge 2 wide bridges that cross half the map - basically it isn't the prettiest park ever made. But it has heart. It was made with joy. It has good ideas. If you really want to make a great park, don't worry so much about how it looks. And worry even less about what other people think about how it looks. Just think about the atmosphere and experience you want to create and put all your effort into that. You know what you want, and you know how it looks. Asking for advice is one thing, but you should at least build more than an entrance gate before you ask for advice. Trust yourself a little more. And feel free to find your own style. I should probably just shutup. You all think I'm condescending and arrogant anyway. -
Hyperion Offline
Thanks, and Ed I don't find that arrogant at all. Thank you for the advice. I guess I just have a feeling that makes me think that everyone is watching and critisising me, and I want to know what they are saying. I will keep that in mind when I continue building. Thanks again.
Oh yeah, and the park isn't neccessarily "Family Oriented", that was just a name my friend came up with, and I wanted a bright welcoming entrance so people don't think I am going to kill them...if it were in real life. -
Madhollander Offline
well, these days most people build for attention and build what people want, don't do that, build for your own enjoyment, and if someone likes it, well good job, if no one likes it, well when you enjoyed building it, you won't care...Thanks, and Ed I don't find that arrogant at all. Thank you for the advice. I guess I just have a feeling that makes me think that everyone is watching and critisising me, and I want to know what they are saying. I will keep that in mind when I continue building. Thanks again.
nice entrance, nice and colourfull -
CoasterWizard Offline
What's with all the "Does this look good?/Should I continue?" threads?!?
If you like it, build the damn park. -
posix Offline
I think you're underestimating the looks.What are the themes, what are the rides, what is the atmosphere. That's what matters. All you have is an entrance gate, and a rather generic one at that. There's nothing to comment on except does it look good or not and that doesn't really matter. You should be thinking about what goes into the park not what it looks like.
If you really want to make a great park, don't worry so much about how it looks. Just think about the atmosphere and experience you want to create and put all your effort into that.
Ideas and content of a park are very important, I agree, but the way how you put your ideas into RCT is at least just as much important. An aesthetic look is what every good park needs and what won't come through ideas only. You have to have an eye for colour and landforms, not just a creative mind.
And I think that the colours are very well chosen in this park. It's realistic and simplistic. Just what I like. And if it had more of an idea in it (like Ed said) I'd probably love it.
I say keep it up.
So much for my 1000th post. Never thought I'd ever have that much on a forum. -
Drew Offline
I like it. I think the colors fit will. I would definitley want to see more of this park.
Though, those red hedges look hideous.
:scarface: -
Hyperion Offline
Thanks for all th comments guys... I've added two more pictures and they can be found at my webshots gallery. Here is the link again...http://community.web...ser/absoluterct
Hyperion -
v1perz Offline
*has a seizure*
The colors are kind of bright, i don't love the bright red and yellow. It looks a lot like autumn. The archy is nice, tho.
So, yeah, keep working on this.
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