NE Olympics '16 / August 11th: 120x120 Landscaping
06-May 16
Liampie Offline
120x120 Landscaping
Landscaping often serves as nothing more than a backdrop for theme parks or roller coasters, although it takes a considerable amount of skill to create a detailed, immersive landscape. This skill is the sole focus of his gigantic Olympic event.
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Objective: create a large natural landscape.
Rules: the map must be exactly 120 by 120 tiles. Not more than five buildings or other large man-made structures are allowed. No theme park content allowed.
Deadline: August 11th
1st place: 15 points
2nd place: 12 points
3rd place: 9 points
4th place: 6 points
5th place: 3 point- - - - - - - - - - - -
Living the Life by Liampie (100%)- - - - - - - - - - - -
Relaxembourg National Park by csw (100%)- - - - - - - - - - - -
Kingdom of Ni
Via Lactea by Jaguar (100%) -
Lotte Offline
Roads don't count as man-made structures. Neither do meadows and plantations.
parkinglot simulator 2K17
Liampie Offline
Unless the plantations consist of greenhouses and stuff.
If anyone feels the urge to do more buildings, bridges, and whatnot than is allowed, consider that the idea you're having simply does not fit this round. -
Liampie Offline
Living the Life
Incredible work considering it took less than an hour.
Relaxembourg National Park
Great stuff! I had a good time exploring this, I think you had the right balance between big features and small details. It's a lot of fun to explore! I also recommend people to check out the map overview, looks pretty epic.
Via Lactea
Talk about epic... Very ambitious, and quite well done too. I kinda wish you left out all the gimmicky sci-fi stuff and just stuck to the actual space stuff. I'd trade all the space ships for the missing gamma ray in a heartbeat.All the orbiting stars and debris we're really cool, added more life to the map tha'n you'd expect. Definitely one of the most memorable maps of the contest.
I think my vote is going to Relaxembourg. It's not as epic as Via Lactea, but it's certainly well done and more in the spirit of the contest. I think Via Lactea only borderline qualifies as a landscape. It feels like you had an idea and shoehorned it into whatever discipline's objective came closest.
But it's close either way.
Great work all of you! -
Recurious Offline
Via Lactea
Via Lactea was amazing. Extremely cool concept, I loved everything about it. It also looks really cool when you make the scenery invisible. I also can't imagine the hassle it must have been to make all that stuff.
Relaxembourg National Park
From the overview this looked pretty promising. In game I thought it was alright, pretty cool and overall a solid submission.
Via Lactea was the clear winner for me, relaxembourg the second place.
G Force Offline
Via Lactea: This was really cool, but errr, is it really a landscape? The little landscaping on the map was well done, the ships were quite cool as well. Overall an interesting concept but rides the line of a landscape to much for me to give it first place.
Relaxembourg National Park: CSW did a great job on this, really added the little details to make it feel alive and differentiate it from plain landscape. Waterfalls, cliffs, campsites and animals were the standout aspects to me. Really clever usage of land texture as well.
GammaZero Offline
Living the Life: Not much to say, since it was made in one hour. Pretty nice stuff for that timeframe though!
Relaxembourg National Park: All hail csw
Jokes aside, this one is really great, especially with all those little details, like the animals, campsites and well done waterfalls. And the fact that it was made in LL is the icing on the cake
Via Lactea: If it was just about execution, this would've probably gotten my vote. The problem here is, even though it counts as natural, I'm not sure if a "spacescape" fits this event. Again, this was amazing in terms of execution, but it's not too much of a landscape for me.
Sorry for voting on my own country, but my first place goes to Relaxembourg.
Xeccah Offline
when the size of jag's vote won't compare to the size of his massive balls for making THIS
bigshootergill Offline
Via Lactea: Just for the record, the admins/refs approved Jag's concept before he went full tilt building it, they said it fits the category for landscaping (looks like a sequel to Asteroid Fields actually). Regarding this landscaping itself, basically no one on the team was able to give a lot of input because Jag was having an export issue with rct2, so this was all him, besides the odd screenshot he posted. When I finally was able to open it, my mind was blown. Creative to the nines!!!! I loved all the movement and interaction on what could have been a plain space submission, it's just full of life! Love every inch of this map.
Relaxembourg National Park: What I nice job to put this together, very well done! The elevation changes, the meandering river, all the little tid bits scattered throughout the map! You managed to keep it all interesting, much change taking place from one end of the map to the other. Very well done. I'd love to see someone take this map and building a park on it!
Living the Life: For an hour, pretty well done Liam. I was almost going to do the same thing with a submission, but.... I didn't. Anti-climatic. Could have scored our team 6 points!!! Love that you plunked a tent and fire in there. Do you aspire to be a loner hermit?
Gotta vote for Jag's first, RNP 2nd. Interesting round!
GammaZero Offline
Via Lactea: Just for the record, the admins/refs approved Jag's concept before he went full tilt building it, they said it fits the category for landscaping (looks like a sequel to Asteroid Fields actually).
That's fine, but IMO it didn't fit the contest too much, even if it was permitted.
Xeccah Offline
remember the time in h2h7 finals when everyone voted for the better executed, less fun and less ballsy park? yeah, me neither.
Recurious Offline
Mehh I disagree, I feel like the people saying via lactea doesn't belong in landscaping should loosen up a bit and could be a bit more open minded. I think via lactea is way more original, ingenious and interesting than all the plain boring landscapes that have been done a thousand times before. The concept alone already makes it the better park IMO and I also think it fits very well within the landscaping category.
Liampie Offline
I think the difference between Asteroid Fields and this as a landscape is that the celestial bodies in Asteroid Fields had a surface. Actual land.
I've said from the beginning that you can try to find loopholes in the rules and try to stretch the boundaries of what is intended, as long as the Olympic Committee approves you're allowed to do that. But in the process it is possible that you're estranging the audience. Since we're not necessarily voting for 'best entry', but 'best landscape', it is still very much open to interpretation regardless of what the Olympic Committee has said. I get the fun of trying to be different and original, definitely, but you're always taking a risk. -
csw Offline
Where's the fun in finding loopholes. If you want to build a space map, build a space map, but don't submit it for a landscaping round if there's not really any actual land on the map. Letter of the law vs. spirit of the law I guess.
I was looking forward to seeing some nice landscapes, but the turnout for the round is quite disappointing. This was the round I immediately got excited for the most of the contest, I suppose I'm one of the few that really likes to create landscapes!
Fun fact: I actually finished our map before the end of june, since our team wasn't too serious I sorta decided to do this before other rounds. Which may have contributed to the fact that we didn't finish about 3 parks for other rounds
Louis! Offline
This was the round I immediately got excited for the most of the contest, I suppose I'm one of the few that really likes to create landscapes!
I wanted to enter as I too love landscapes, but I'm still finishing up my architecture degree so time is very short
Recurious Offline
Where's the fun in finding loopholes. If you want to build a space map, build a space map, but don't submit it for a landscaping round if there's not really any actual land on the map. Letter of the law vs. spirit of the law I guess.
It's not about finding loop holes, it's about finding an original idea or giving a original twist to an objective, it's part of the creative process. It's not like people are actively trying to find loopholes.
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