NE Olympics '16 / August 18th: Parade of Flags

Which is your favourite entry?

  1. Aesthetica 1 vote [4.76%]
    • olddtfan51
    Percentage of vote: 4.76%
  2. Parkmenistan 20 votes [95.24%]
    • Jaguar
    • chorkiel
    • FredD
    • Fisch
    • G Force
    • Iron Rattler
    • Kumba
    • Scoop
    • GammaZero
    • Louis!
    • Rofl
    • Lilith
    • Cocoa
    • RWE
    • Zaiush
    • CHE
    • soluna
    • csw
    • bigshootergill
    Percentage of vote: 95.24%
  3. The Kingdom of Ni 0 votes [0.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 0.00%
  4. Coaster Rica 0 votes [0.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

Which is your second favourite entry?

  1. Aesthetica 7 votes [33.33%]
    • FredD
    • Fisch
    • G Force
    • Iron Rattler
    • Lilith
    • RWE
    • CHE
    Percentage of vote: 33.33%
  2. Parkmenistan 1 vote [4.76%]
    • olddtfan51
    Percentage of vote: 4.76%
  3. The Kingdom of Ni 13 votes [61.90%]
    • Jaguar
    • chorkiel
    • Kumba
    • Scoop
    • GammaZero
    • Louis!
    • Rofl
    • Cocoa
    • Zaiush
    • soluna
    • csw
    • bigshootergill
    Percentage of vote: 61.90%
  4. Coaster Rica 0 votes [0.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 0.00%
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Parade of Flags

    The Parade of Flags, our Olympics' final event, is your place to showcase your entire country, your ideas, and your skills. Entries in this round are required and are representative of your country as a whole: its customs, history, landmarks and cultural identity. Show the world who you are!

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Objective: create a park themed to your country.

    Rules: The maximum amount of tiles for this park is 3600, excluding black tiles. No more than one entry per team allowed.

    Deadline: August 18th

    1st place: 15 points
    2nd place: 12 points
    3rd place: 9 points
    4th place: 6 points
    5th place: 3 points

    - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Aesthetica City Beach by Zaiush (68%), DobieShep (15%), Merzbow666 (15%) & spacek531 (2%)

    - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Parkmenistan by Liampie (60%), alex (20%), Fisch (12%) and Faas (8%)

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Kingdom of Ni

    The Kingdom of Ni by jaguar (55%), bigshootergill (30%), Iron Rattler (8%) & Kumba (7%)

    - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Coaster Rica

    Coaster Rica by Version1 (60%) & chorkiel (40%)

  • chorkiel%s's Photo

    Liampie, on 06 May 2016 - 7:12 PM, said:

    Only the final round, the Parade of Flags, is mandatory,
    I guess this 'rule' will be skipped. Ah well, more points by default for Coaster Rica!



    Looks quite rushed. Honestly, kind of dissapointed in this from you. You've shown much greater imagination this season.

    Atmospherically and aesthetically very pleasing. A bit easy on the details, would have hoped more from your team, I guess. Generally still really good.

    Kingdom of Ni;
    It's good, but could have been great if finished. Dark Knight was a pretty great ride. Some great hints of history in the park.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    chorkiel, on 20 Aug 2016 - 12:09 PM, said:

    I guess this 'rule' will be skipped.


    Yeah, we decided that the rule wasn't really appropriate for a casual contest such as this.

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    Ah, fuck.


    Can only apologise on behalf of Timbabwe for not getting in an entry for this, the start we had would have led to something brilliant imo. But without finding a replacement for Jimmy, gdb dropping off the face of the earth, and Tim, myself, Cocoa, and Dimi all having a bunch of IRL shit to deal with we just couldn't quite find the time to build an entry which we deemed submittable.


    However, *maybe* keep an eye out for a group park from us in the future. Like I said, what we had was brilliant and I think deserves to be finished.


    Overall was an interesting and I think unique contest. Perhaps some points need to be ironed out a little, but I'd say it was a successful experiment that unluckily coincided (at least for me) with a lot of IRL things coming up and taking precedent.


    Will hopefully get around to writing some reviews for final round. Great showing by all teams, perhaps unsurprising that Liam (probably) wins yet another contest :p

  • FredD%s's Photo


    I love the beach so a beachside boardwalk is always appreciated by me. I like the concept, but the execution is bringing it a bit down. It sure has a lot of cool ideas, the pokestop in the park was very clever and cool. Overall, cool ideas but technical not so good. I do not get the trees on the tower, looks way out of place.




    With the name Parkmenistan, I expected a desert landscape. But the landscape had different variations, which was a bit of a surprise. Very cool ride names, could be real in some -stan land. The Arabic part was without doubt the best part of the park. Very neat archy and very atmospheric. The area around Great Kostar didn't excite me much, I felt like the landscaping was too sloppy and the layout of the woodie not very appealing. The lower part, with the steeplechase, was better. Clever choice witch the steeplechase, fits the park perfectly. The archy in this mainstreet was kinda unique but not really my taste. Overall a good submission but surely not the best work from Parkmenistan in this Olympics.



    Kingdom of Ni

    It looked impressive from above but sadly, it is not finished. Bummer, because it could have been a winner. I see so much potential in this. Very cool castle with the flume going trough it and the mountains near it. The dueling woodie seemed fun, just as the shuttle woodie in the gray castle. 



    Coaster Rica

    Well, not much to say. It is too unfinished. But the Olympic thought is more important: submitting is much more precious than winning. 




    I voted for Parkmenistan as nr 1 and Aesthetica for nr 2. 

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Everyone, keep in mind that our park was nothing more than an entrance building and a bare steeplechase at the start of this week. This could've been a sprint submission.
  • Lilith%s's Photo
    Look up Trump Tower NYC, that's what the tower was based off of
  • GammaZero%s's Photo
    On behalf of Relaxembourg, we're sorry. We had some great ideas, just not enough time. Reviews will come shortly
  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    Coaster Rica - This entry was oviously very unfinished so its impossible to review it really. Some of the finished stuff was nice though, I liked the cabana restaurant on the beach.


    Aesthetica - This was a very atmospheric entry with the city and the boardwalk. The quality seemed very inconsistent however. It had some great details like the movie theater Pokestop and the two launched coasters. But there were some weaker parts like the lineup of stalls on the wooden boardwalk and the chairlift station.


    Parkmenistan - Easily the best entry in terms of finish and quality. The mud building area you posted a screen of is easily the best part. The white architecture was awkward looking to me but I think that is more on the source material than the builders. The landscaping and foliage was excellent.


    Our entry was clearly unfinished as almost the entire team got caught up in real life and were unable to build for long periods. I'm still really happy I got to be a part of the Kingdom this summer as we put out some great entries and I learned a lot in this experience .  

  • Scoop%s's Photo

    most disappointing round for sure.

  • Zaiush%s's Photo

    I'll be the first to admit that my work on Aesthetica City Beach was not up to par. Lots of stuff happened and got in my way, but at the same time I didn't give it my all. You should see the ideas we left out of this park due to time constraints... maybe pull a coupon and remaster this park later? :p


    >decide to join ne designs for a contest despite never building with cs before

    >enter contest with people i've never talked to

    >get third place


  • Lilith%s's Photo
    Every future submission from me will be a new version of Aesthetica City Beach until the end of time
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Some more votes and reviews would be appreciated.
  • Scoop%s's Photo

    Liampie, on 22 Aug 2016 - 10:20 AM, said:

    Some more votes and reviews would be appreciated.
    There isn't much to review though. 
  • G Force%s's Photo

    Yea, when there is only one finished park that's truly accolade worthy, there isn't much to talk about, or even vote on.  Results were pretty much decided before the parks were released.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Yes but even in that worst case scenario of only one park being worth discussing that park still deserves more than ten lines of review.
  • Zaiush%s's Photo

    I'll do some reviews since you asked so nicely:


    Aesthetica: I'm going to just make a few side remarks based on little pieces of this park: The movies playing at the theater are Akira and Drive, the most vaporwave/outrun/retrowave films I could think of. A few days after submitting the park, I go on the real version of Super Fireball and I realized how poorly I did it. Splashdown is based on the portable flume that goes to the MN State Fair. The buildings for the skyride suck ass. Category 5 is an interpretation of Gale Force, probably one of the hardest rides to recreate since the intamin zacspins. The bank was going to be a lot more exciting. The plot where a park is was going to be another tower, but if we built a tower we wouldn't have gotten the pokestop made, so whatevs. I tried to make the nike swoosh in the mall area. This park would have been a lot better with time and more diligence, which I did not provide. I don't feel this as is would be worthy of bronze and have many plans to better execute this and other parks. 



    Parkmenistan: Former Central Asian Socialist Republics are a top notch aesthetic and you guys did it all throughout the contest, not just this park. Great details are all over the place, and I must say you did your guys' flag as good as possible on the entrance. The only part that would be considered bad of this would be the landscaping around Great Kostar. Which I've gotta just love the names being engrish. I love the "modernistic / dictatorial" style of the main region and the desert region is not too shabby besides. Clearly area to improve but altogether not bad at all. 


    The Kingdom of Ni: We needed a Monty Python park in our lives. Please give this the finishing touches it deserves, the ideas are too good to let slip. The shrubbery maze, the helmet shaped gateway, the Frenchmen, even the hand grenade drop tower. I'm not seeling the context of the tan and green castle however due to the incompleteness but what is there would get high marks. And a congratulations for having perfect attendance on your team!


    Coaster Rica: Sometimes life gives you a bad hand and you can't really work with what it gives you. What little buildings you have are on the spartan side but do look immediately Central American at a glance. This park has the plan of a top notch entry, and if you do finish it I eagerly await it.


    The choice is pretty clear, Parkmenistan 1st and Ni 2nd. You guys had the scariest lineups and delivered most often. See you Winter 2018? 

  • GammaZero%s's Photo

    Since I promised, here are the reviews:


    Aesthetica City Beach: Ideas are nice, but execution was a little bit sloppy. Could've done without the ride huts, they really kill the atmosphere. The rides themselves are cool, and the buildings are nice (except for the Trump Tower). Also, the humor in this park is brilliant :D


    Parkmenistan: For such a short time in the making, you guys nailed it. The atmosphere's amazing, I really felt like I was in a "stan" country. Modern and desert areas are well done, and the steeplechase was a cool ride. The wooden coaster, however, was the weakest part of the park. Foliage needed a little bit more work, and the coaster layout, albeit cool, was a tad too hidden for my tastes. Overall, really good park, high silver quality for me.


    Kingdom of Ni: Unfortunately, I didn't understand a single reference, sorry guys. But I won't let that cloud my judgment. The two castles are awesome, although I'm not sure if that helmet-shaped gate works. Maze is cool, and the racing woodies are well designed. Due to the unfinishedness, the water rides do feel a bit out of place, especially the swimming pool. All in all, a nice park, but the unfinished parts hurt its quality.


    Coaster Rica: Not much to say here, but from what's there, I think you could've made a great part if you had enough time.


    I voted Parkmenistan 1st and Kingdom of Ni 2nd. Aesthetica and Ni were pretty close, but there just wasn't much to see in Aesthetica's entry. Oh well, a nice round anyways.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    aesthetica city beach:

    I like some of the details, I reckon its one of the better ones from you guys. definitely has some rushedness to it though, and a few areas are really undertailed and blocky compared to others.



    well done on putting this together so quickly! you guys have really rocked this season (as expected :p)

    there's a lot of nice things here. the foliage and landscaping is pretty top, and the atmosphere is nice. the entrance is probably my favorite, and I think the steeplechase works really well. the vaguely middle-eastern area is also nice, but also does show a bit of being rushed, as does the vaguely russian area. the woodie is quite pretty in the environment though. I'm not sure I really get the park or anything but its still a nice one, even if its not really my favorite from you guys so far.


    kingdom of ni:

    a lot of people complaining they don't get the reference! go watch holy grail, its very worth it...I used to watch it all the time when I was younger, and I still find new things funny every time I watch it. I often find myself humming 'brave, brave sir robin' randomly. the park is OK, but obviously also not finished. seems like everyone is really getting into those LOTR textures, which is great IMO. we need some sprucing up of these things every so often. I would love to see this more finished with more references and fun details for sure


    coaster rica:

    not really much here to comment on. what's there is a bit of old school looking rct2. could have been cool with some good vibes I guess


    thanks everyone (especially the mods/admins) for a great competition! I had a lot of fun even if we fizzled a bit at the end (it was a bit long maybe?) but we made some great rct and that's what its about I guess. Definitely love these smaller team contests, could definitely go for something like this again! (Team micro madness?)

  • Lilith%s's Photo
    I had a blast, I would totally be down for a slightly smaller scale team contest. I'm so glad I was able to participate with all you great people.


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