Ask the Experts / Are you building a park in RCT2? Good, take a look at this.
24-April 16
Six Frags Offline
Yes yes yes to this post! I think especially newer players don't know about this limit and don't know all the ways they could be saving object slots with, so this helps out a lot for them. Also remember my super awesome parking slot ride in epws which i made to save tons of object slots with and it even saved large scenery slots in the scenario maker
Lesson 4 is probably the most important to save the most amount of slots with though as the others are pretty logical already, but it's also the hardest as most people don't know how to make these simple objects.. Maybe you should do a fancy, easy to understand tutorial for that too
bigshootergill Offline
Common sense!!!!........................................................................ that Liam taught me in H2H
BelgianGuy Offline
was it just me that did this all the time?
I mean there's a reason imaginaerum didn't hit the limit... I use walls and big objects whenever I can and go into small blocks solely for detailing...
Jappy Offline
I try to use object saving methods from the very start of all my projects.... Saves me from problems later on.
nicman Offline
I saw this a while ago, and I was searching for this forever because of such a random title.
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