H2H7 / [H2H7 Round 4 Match 1] - The Rat Pack vs Robber Barons
28-May 15
inthemanual Offline
Round 4 | Match 1
Rat Pack - Arcanis Mineralis
_____________________________________________________________________How to vote:
- This season we're back to using polls to count the votes. THE POLL WILL OPEN IN 24 HOURS.
- Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
- You can only vote if you have viewed both parks in game.
- Voting will be monitored and anyone found to be abusing votes in any way will be punished.
NEW RULE: next match will be posted in 24 hours, on the condition that the first match has at least 15 reviews of both parks. If not, the next match will be posted in 48 hours instead of 24. -
Cocoa Offline
Yeah! this is exactly what i was hoping for from both teams! If only they'd gone up an hour ago i could check them out:( -
inthemanual Offline
A non-exporting object was missing from the .zip for the Barons' park. It is now included, but here's the object for anyone who doesn't want to download the whole thing again.
downloads: 239 -
Version1 Offline
Don't know who I'm gonna vote for, but on first glance peeps vs. no peeps may play a part.
Coasterbill Offline
Another Robber Barons park, another invert with a ridiculous intensity ratings. I know nobody cares about this on NE but I'd prefer the ratings stay out of the red. lol
By the way I was about to comment on the fact that the invert wasn't realistic because it didn't have a pre drop and had 9 car trains but then I remembered it was floating in the fucking sky over an endless ocean. I'm a dipshit. lol
Anyway I think both parks are great at first glance. Both look like they came down to the wire as there were some oversights in Archelaus like the invert needing to be re-set due to zero clearencing and as crazy as it sounds, Arcanis Mineralis struck me as unfinished with the lack of peeps, some of the rockwork over by The Coven's Tower and random floating objects. I appreciated that it didn't try to kill my computer like Archelaus did though but as of now I'm leaning towards Archelaus. I need a lot more time to look through these before I decide though.
Overall both parks are great, I'm just being overly critical because you sort of have to be when judging 2 parks of this caliber.
Version1 Offline
By the way I was about to comment on the fact that the invert wasn't realistic because it didn't have a pre drop
Banshee doesn't have a pre-drop.
Stoksy Offline
Good to see more boats that Version1 can get annoyed at. Two very clear builders in my opinion, unfortunate that one park doesn't have peeps. Excited to check these out in-game - looks to be a great fantasy matchup!
Cocoa Offline
its the revenge of cyleal! crystals everywhere!
rat pack: this park looks huge when you first open it. has an impressive overview for sure. cool landscaping and a dark, glassy sci-fi vibe. not bad. there's some good stuff here, like the glass building in the screen, the glass bridge, a few of the more detailed/finished buildings, and the thermal pools. But a lot of the buildings fall flat and are awkward or purposeless IMO. I don't want to make it all about the peeps, but there's definitely a lack of activity and stuff going on. Despite my initial impression that the park was huge, it didn't seem like there was actually a huge amount of content there to really back it up. It overall felt like a sort of directionless or unrefined rehash of a few already done scifi/fantasy themes. I think one of the builders is relatively obvious given the team's roster and I was really looking forward to this park, but I think it perhaps needed more time, and certainly more world-building and direction. There were a lot of necessary things that were missing, especially any sort of entrance. They are seriously really important, even in a fantasy park, in giving the viewer a place to start in their exploration. I rate it 65%
robbern barons
firstly, I really love the idea. civilization at the edge of the clouds is really cool! Especially with all the greek stuff. The park is alive and fun. Lots of sick boats and structures to see, and it felt more like a whole thing than rat pack's. The layout and buildings were perhaps a bit square/blocky for this sort of park, (one of the builders is also pretty obvious here, feels like classic them), which definitely takes you out of the immersion a bit. And the architecture was certainly colorful and detailed, but was perhaps a bit overboard as it sort of lost any theme cohesion- I would have loved to see a more greek style worked throughout it all (sort of like 5dave's archimedes but fantasy on the cloud edge) instead of the sort of classic fallback fantasy colorful stuff. Coaster layouts and stuff were solid, although a tad confusing that they were pretty standard layouts in a not so standard park. I love it when people drop the conservative layout style along with the park! Eh. As with the rat pack's, it definitely lacked some of the details and stuff that would make me see it as a legitimate city, and it also felt a bit aimless in parts, with sort of filler where ideas didn't come. Both parks, I suppose, weren't as tight and controlled as a great h2h park ought to be. In the end I gave it 70%, I don't want to be that bummer guy everyone hates who says he's dissapointed in a round after the builders spent the last howevermany weeks working their butts off... but I was looking forward to some slick, atmospheric fantasy that really pushed details and the magic feel of it and I'm not sure either really hit the mark for me.
bigshootergill Offline
Here's my super duper quick review due to lack of time:
+ The crystals were well placed throughout the park, hanging from above in the caves, the crystal pylons, the variety of objects used to make them up, I really liked that
+ Coasters were decent enough layouts
+ More rides than Cyleal had
- Overall, I'm not a big fan of the huge buildings and lack of peeps... smaller scale buildings and more bustling streets would have been great. You can tram in the peeps for 5 minutes before you release the park.
Maybe if Cyleal and Aracanis had a child - that would have been a contender.
+ Love the architecture styles and colors, perhaps a bit blocky and not greek enough, but overall really cool
+ Cool flying ships
+ Vertical drop, Spectre, has some exciting elements in it
+ Foliage wasn't the focus of the park, but I thought it was a good change of pace, simple, but different and colorful
- I didn't really buy into the look of the flight crystal
My review is a bit weak, but those are some quick thoughts. My vote goes to Archelaus.
Steve Offline
All right, gonna pull an Austin and give my thoughts as I'm checking these out.
OK, Arcanis first. Opened up to the overview initially and while I'm impressed I'm also immediately confused by what I'm looking at. Is there an entrance to this park? I went searching to find myself where the "hot springs" are. Great idea, well executed yet a little messy with some supports showing on the custom walls and crystals. Nice details everywhere so far. Wooden coaster a little sloppy in spots but the idea of it being supported with crystals sometimes is cool. Rapids comes off as boring and the station is also a snoozefest. Cool idea with the crystal grinder rides though. Moving upwards on the map I see a carousel. What? Is this an amusement park or a complete work of fantasy? Also just saw a tilt-a-whirl. Starting to blend the idea that this is conceptual with something that is a theme park in a bad way, now. Anyway, that crystal bridge is SICK. The willow tree as a crystal is sick too. That whole area is great minus the carousel. Oh another glass bridge, also cool -- I was talking about the heartline tracked one previously. This flying coaster is a beautiful mess and I'm loving the massive colored pylons, great job with this whole area with the crystal castle and stuff.I see the citadel and maybe this is meant to be the "entrance?" Still confused. Maybe this park doesn't have one and that's fine. Again, though, the lack of entrance and extreme fantasy mixed with amusement park rides puzzles me. However, the entire high council thing here is fantastic, very well done. Having the cool geyser pools next to it makes it very picturesque, nice. Cool smelting thing down there too. Oooh, bonus points for using a side friction coaster! All right, a solid park despite my confusion or maybe I'm just missing something that I didn't catch in the readme.
Opened up Archelaus or whatever it is, and first impression is water is way too bright. Colors look good and the park is very lively. Zooming in to what I believe to be the entrance...Cool big arches and coaster looks neat. Wait, that's snow, not water. Is it meant to be water? There's a waterfall falling into it...confused. Anyway. I might just vote this park for the flying sharks, hilariously awesome idea. Grand palace architecture is great. Wait, why is this dive coaster a floorless? I don't see any inversions. Woulda been cool if this was an Intamin giga since you have the B&M invert behind it. Architecture and the boats are well done. Nothing crazy but still good. Cutlass is a pretty crazy invert. You have massive inversions on the entire thing, looks badass. It's held up by floating rocks too, nice! Station for it is kinda just okay. Wait, what is this rapids ride doing? Sends them off a fucking waterfall, wow. And now it's flying? Interesting. There's boats flying everywhere too. I would be terrified to visit this park. The architecture over by the twist ride is great. "Crystal Grinder?" Weird how a lot of parks this season share such similar ideas. Anyway, this park is pretty wild. Not as well done maybe as the other, but it's got so many ridiculous things going on that it keeps it interesting.
I actually don't know who I'd edge the vote for yet. Still, two great parks and a solid match up I'd say. I also apologize for my train of thought while typing and any errors cause I'm not proofreading this shit
FK+Coastermind Offline
Dear Steve: If you read the readme's for BOTH parks, half your questions would be answered. Love, FK
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