RCT Discussion / New RCT Sound Pack Application
02-September 14
Roomie Offline
Hey guys.
Been working on something for the last week or so.
RCTSP is a small application that allows the park specific installation of custom sounds within both RCT LL and RCT 2 parks.
Both RCT’s allow the installation of custom music under two files called Custom1.wav and Custom2.wav, It’s been known for a long time that the .dat files found within both RCT’s data folder are .wav files with a different extension however its a fiddly business swapping them around for each and every park you want to view. RCTSP allows the automatic loading of a sound pack with each individual park with significantly more custom music/sounds than before. The program will also restore the defaults automatically after closing the program and allow the easy creation of your own sound packs for distribution.
Including the Custom1 and Custom2.wav files RCTSP will allow up to 25 custom music/sound files for RCT LL and 8 for RCT2 (due to an annoying anti cheat put in by Chris Sawyer in RCT2) and its super easy to use.
I'm not entirely sure anyone will ever use it but It is a nice exercise in coding for me
It's a bit rough around the edges but I'll keep working on it.
Full instruction and download can be found here.
Thanks to Airtime for letting me use his Thorpe Park as a test bed too
Roomie Offline
What songs get replaced?
In the long term nothing. The program replaces music on a park by park basis and returns the defaults when you close it.
When creating a sound pack you can decide which songs are replaced yourself so you can keep ones you may be using.
Vertigo Master Offline
First off, got to say, Roomie, this is a pretty cool utility you've cooked up! I've always wanted to use more custom music in RCT2.
However, I'm having some trouble opening the game when I tested this out earlier. A Sound Pack folder was created in the Data folder automatically once I used the program, and the save I'm testing it with is named the same as the Sound Pack folder, as the site mentions. I also made a back-up the first time I opened the program. Each time I try to open the park, the game fails to boot because it's missing data files, though once I close the program and revert everything back to normal, RCT2 works perfect.
What is it that I'm missing here? If I'm skipping a really important part that the site happens to mention, let me know. I'd really let to give this a spin in-game. Once again, thanks for this, dude. Cheers.
Chocotopian Offline
How can you not love Big Bob Jones!?
Seriously though, this sounds fantastic. I've wanted the ability to incorporate voice-overs, custom sounds and more than two tracks into my parks for a long time now, and this does just that! Thanks so much for working on this. A brilliant addition to the games.
Roomie Offline
However, I'm having some trouble opening the game when I tested this out earlier. A Sound Pack folder was created in the Data folder automatically once I used the program, and the save I'm testing it with is named the same as the Sound Pack folder, as the site mentions. I also made a back-up the first time I opened the program. Each time I try to open the park, the game fails to boot because it's missing data files, though once I close the program and revert everything back to normal, RCT2 works perfect.
What is it that I'm missing here? If I'm skipping a really important part that the site happens to mention, let me know. I'd really let to give this a spin in-game. Once again, thanks for this, dude. Cheers.
Are you opening the Thorpe Park on the site or your own?
it sounds like the park is using the files that can only be used in LL. Only the files in yellow can be used in RCT2 or the anti cheat Chris added to RCT2 kicks in.
These translate as CSS41 through CSS46.dat using any of the others causes that error
Do we have to have people run this to open our park with the sound pack?
Unfortunately yes. It is possible to do it by copying the files out of the Sound pack manually into your data directory. But then you'd need to copy the originals back to get back to the original sounds. (the program does this automatically)
Luigi-San Offline
So I'm having a tough time getting this to work. When I try to open Thorpe Park in RCT2, I get this error:
(and repeat for all of the other .dat files)
The files are all in the right spots, and the names of the folder and saved game are the same. I'm at a complete loss as to what's wrong, so any help would be appreciated.
Roomie Offline
Hmmm unsure off the top of my head but it can't find the Saved Games folder.
Whats the directory structure you have set up for the RCT folder?
nin Offline
Wow this is brilliant, and something I've longed for in this game. Will certainly use it Roomie, thanks so much.
Roomie Offline
Hey Luigi San thats good to know.
I guess you are running RCT 2 from the programs files folder maybe?
Luigi-San Offline
I guess you are running RCT 2 from the programs files folder maybe?
That would be correct.
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