Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R1] Roomie vs. JJayMForce vs. Coasterbill vs. Wouter VL
08-July 14
Liampie Offline
limited space, unlimited madness
Round 1
Roomie (#2) - Lucky 8
JJayMForce (#3) - Parkouroaster
Coasterbill (#6) - Moonlight Pier
Wouter VL (#7) - Mini Looper
__________________________________________________________________How to vote?
First of all, check out all the entries in this match. If you can't view one or more entries, for example if you don't own LL, then please, do NOT vote.
Once you've viewed all 4, select your favourite and second favourite in the polls above.
After 3 days, we will close the poll, the results of the two polls will be added together, and the 2 highest scoring entries will proceed to the next round.
Comments on the individual parks have been disabled, so please leave your comments below.
Anyone found to be voting on their own match up will be disqualified from voting.
Anyone found to be voting when they cannot view all 4 entries will be banned from NE.
Votes are public and so any cheating of the system, betrayal of honesty or mistrust will be picked up on and will be dealt with. -
ida Offline
Tough competition i guess? As it's my matchup, i'm not going to vote but i'm really interested in seeing what everyone thinks about my Minilooper.
Coasterbill Offline
Based on the overviews this looks like a good matchup. I'm looking forward to reading some feedback on this one. -
Ling Offline
WouterVL - You've definitely improved quite a bit. Supports and architecture are more than passable, the main problem here is that you have half a map for coaster and half a map for path and buildings. In a micro you need to compress this as much as possible. Usually the more chaotic the better.
Roomie - Close between this and Moonlight Pier. Cool hack, lovely peaceful surroundings, but just not enough substance.
Coasterbill - Just the right balance of rides, structures, and space I think. Not spectacular but I enjoyed it.
JJayMForce - Clear first place in my opinion. The architecture was a bit bland but I can't think of any other criticisms.
Airtime Offline
Wow JJay. What a wierd and wonderful lilttle coaster. Brilliant stuff. Great layout.
Roomie haven't you tried that idea before?
Louis! Offline
1) JJay
Lovely entry, the coaster was perfect and the theming was top notch. Easily the best entry in this batch. Looking forward to seeing what you do next.
2) Wouter
The remaining entries were all equally good but I was surprised at how well you've done and I guess that was partly why I placed you at #2. The foliage was nice, the layout wasn't bad, you'd clearly made an effort with everything, and I felt that was really commendable.
3) Coasterbill
Nice idea, I felt it was perhaps a bit too square and rectangular, a pier doesn't always have to be, I would've liked to have seen some more structures on there too, not just rides. Very close to getting 2nd, but I still look forward to seeing what you've got up your sleeve if you progress.
4) Roomie
Sorry for placing you last. It was a tough thing to do, but I felt that the other entries had just a little bit more content, or were more deserving. I've seen you do this idea before and I know you had done this in a short space of time, it was a lovely little micro, just not enough to take the top spot, and as said already, very close to being 2nd. I'm sure you'll get through though, and hopefully you'll have more time for the next one. Thank you for sending an entry in though, considering your shortness of time.
Sephiroth Offline
Whoa whoa, sorry about that. I was wiping spit off my keyboard after seen that FUCKING AMAZING diagonal tower crane. Holy shit.
FK+Coastermind Offline
voted for what i wanted to see more of
First off, JJayM, probably the biggest surprise of the round for me, along with ITM's park, easily one of my favorite. The details were perfectly executed, the crane and other construction elements were amazing, the idea is so simple and yet so wonderfully done. More so then the details that impressed me, the use of simple textures to offset other more detailed areas was amazing. I'm unusually facinated by the tallest building next to the construction site. The texture is so simple, but varying the levels between the windows and wall makes it perfect. Well Done, this was a treat, my top for this matchup, and second for the entire round 1.
i voted second for Roomie, i thought the idea was the most exciting, and between the other entries, it was the one i was interested in seeing more of, plus LLLL
Stoksy Offline
Welp. Can't vote obviously.
JJayMForce: Quite brilliant. Really innovative idea, that was well-executed. The one thing that I didn't like was that you used an ugly fence object; I think that more of a mesh fence/railings would have looked better. The one flaw in an otherwise spectacular micro.
Coasterbill: I kind of liked this; although you really have to try to use less of the 1ktrim and pole objects. Other fences exist haha. Also would have preferred if you replaced one or two rides with buildings, I think that there was the ability to make a better looking pier had you done so. Decent nonetheless.
Wouter: The station was nice; didn't like the layout really, and the foliage was quite poor. Decent effort though, you really needed more interaction to make this more interesting.
FredD Offline
Can't vote here, because no LL. Seeing the overviews, Roomy and JJayMForce should go trough to the next round. Their entries are clearly from a higher level than the other 2.
Louis! Offline
Voting Closed
Winner: JJayMForce with 16 points
Runner-Up: Roomie with 5 points
3rd Place: Coasterbill with 4.5 points
4th Place: Wouter VL with 2 pointsJJayMForce & Roomie go through to Round 2
csw Offline
Hm. Damn shame I waited too long to vote, I think I would've put Coasterbill through to the second round. However I am still excited to see what Roomie can do, assuming he gets more time the next round.
Lotte Offline
Don't feel bad wouter, you really rose abpve yourself this contest, and pleasantly suprised me and judging from the comments also a few others. Keep on trying, you'll get there. -
Coasterbill Offline
I honestly can't be too disappointed with this. I totally ran out of time with my entry and didn't have time to add many of the small details I wanted to add. I felt that the entry was respectable but I knew there was a big risk of me losing in the first round and honestly I feel that the other entries were much more deserving. It's a shame I won't have a chance to compete in round 2 but I look forward to seeing all of the entries.
Wouter you've really gotten a lot better. You still seem to always build coasters with the elements in the reverse order of how they would probably appear in real life (helix first, loop last) but it kind of works here.
JJayMForce your entry is stunning. I think it's one of the best entries of Round 1. Great job.
Roomie... I'd love to check out your park but I don't have LL. It seems really cool though from the overview.
JJayMForce Offline
Lucky 8- I liked the coaster design, really cool, and it was all pretty charming. Looks like you were rushed on time, with it being fairly basic overall though. Interested to see what you do next man, good luck.
Coasterbill, you had a great entry. That custom, working ring of fire, wow, amazing. All the rides looked great and added a lot of movement along with the peeps. I'm glad to hear you were going to add more details, because you had the basics down, and those little details would have made the park really excel. Edit: I think if you made the dock a lot higher up, with custom beams, utilizing that space, it would have been really nice too.
Roomie Offline
I'm amazed i made it through this. But thanks to the guys that voted for me. Not sure I wouldn't have voted for Coasterbill but thanks for the vote of confidence.
And for those who asked. I have used that loop before but on an unreleased park. It's never going to get released (for the time being anyway) so I used it here too.
Already got the round 2 park done now (I move house tomorrow so got it done early) and it's sent in.
I've really been struggling with themes recently. I still have the desire to build coasters but I'm struggling with good source material for themes. I often use books (I read a lot, 2 or 3 books a week) but it's not transferring well into the games world. Writers block so to speak :S
5dave Offline
Mini Looper - Wouter VL
I somehow like the foliage here, even if its a little bit repetive... The station was kinda nice, but that's mainly because there is not much to see - one half of the map is just coaster, supports and foliage. Some more path-queue-ride interaction and maybe even a second tracked ride would have been nice? It made an impression of a villa/countryhouse to me - so why no horse races, english garden,... etc.? The layout was meh, mainly because of the long underground part. But nice effort though!
Moonlight Pier - Coasterbill
Nice pier! I liked the little rides and especially that ring of fire ride. Maybe another interesting structure instead of 1-2 rides would have been nice. Also I think another large coaster (Xcar, Eurofighter,...) would have been nice there. And details around the pier (like I said in Airtime's park) could bring even more life to this. But solid work on this one - grats!
Lucky8 - Roomie
Woah, crazy coaster in such a calm-looking environment, haha! The hack is cool, although a bit fast and besides the castle (which looks kinda blocky IMO) there isn't that much to see unfortunately. The theme doesn't support the ride very well - crazy fast coaster in zen garden? I think something Harakiri/Ninja/Dragon or even Kamikaze could have worked quite well here. Looking forward to your second entry!
Parkourocoaster - JJayMForce
Really great concept and awesome execution! I loved it all - the crane, the construction site, the bulldozer and the surrounding buildings, especially that large one with the dark-bright contrasting windows! Really awesome from start to finish. One of my favorites of this round - congrats!
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