Releases / H2H6 - GRAND FINAL: The Replacements VS Heaven's Kitchen

This topic hosts comments for 2 parks(View Parks)
  • posix%s's Photo

    Play Offs



    Voting Closed

    [replacements logo] ___VS ___ [heavens kitchen logo]


    [infobutton] Click maps for fullscale resolution

    [parque warner overview]

    "Parque Warner"
    by The Replacements Attached File (12.14MB)
    downloads: 600 (RCT2)


    [corsair veredian overview]

    "Corsair Veredian"
    by Heaven's Kitchen Attached File (1.8MB)
    downloads: 554 (RCT2)


    Voting Closed
    Heaven's Kitchen beats The Replacements and win H2H6!

    Parque Warner was made by nin and Fisch.
    Corsair Veredian was made by Turtle, Liampie and Steve.

    [gold medal] [corsair overview]
    [silver medal] [parque warner overview]

    The Replacements vote count: 8
    Voters: gijssie1234, BelgianGuy, geewhzz, Whitehawk, rct2isboss, XCars, Miracle, chorkiel

    Heaven's Kitchen vote count: 25
    Voters: Marino, Goliath123, Six Frags, In:Cities, Casimir, Tolsimir, olddtfan51, verti, Colorado-Fan, JJ, Dr_Dude, wheres_walto, Twitch, RMM, disneylhand, Arjan v l, pierrot, BC(rct2), Xtreme97, J K, MikaRCT2, Wanted, turbin3, Ling, Fizzix

    [infobutton] How to vote
    - This season vote is by reply only. Only votes using the format as below will be counted.
    - Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
    - We will check the topic frequently to update the vote counts.
    - Until your vote has been added to the count you may edit your post to change your vote.

    If you want to vote for The Replacements, copy this code into a reply:
    [img=] [b]I vote The Replacements[/b]
    If you want to vote for the Heaven's Kitchen, copy this code into a reply:
    [img=] [b]I vote Heaven's Kitchen[/b]
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    The beginning of the end.
  • Tolsimir%s's Photo
  • disneylandian192%s's Photo
    Shit, I can't wait to check these out!
  • Marino%s's Photo
    Parque Warner
    There are quite a few pretty elements in this park, such as the oriental building and the entrance (thumbs up for that one!). Overall, it isn't very convincing. In fact, it looks a bit unfinished to me. Too unfinished. The log flume/coaster area looks disastrous in my opinion, but perhaps it's just unfinished. The station layout of the green coaster? Let's not talk about that. The main street looks decent, but we've seen this before so many times now. There are a few moments of genius in this park, but not enough for a final-worthy park.

    Corsair Veredian
    ... Whoa. The amount of detail in this park is mind-blowing. A very interesting mix of steampunk, Mediterranean and sub-tropic. I just don't know where to start. Almost every building, structure and piece of landscape in this park is brilliant. I absolutely adore the smallest details in this park: the floating house, the steampunk-esque airships, the stairways. But what I love most is the atmosphere: I really had the idea I was looking at something new and breathtaking here. There are so, so many tiny yet brilliant areas in this park. I just don't know what to say.

    Oh, I have to vote, right?

    Well... It's very clear to me.

    Posted ImageI vote Heaven's Kitchen
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I forgot to mention that our park is dedicated to RRP.

    I would like to add.Please no more giant tree structures or wooden ship. I feel like ive seen at least one in every matchup this season

  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    ^^Lol, I feel almost exactly the opposite, as the HK's looks like it's trying to be like le reve parapluie. Atm I'm leaning more into voting for the Replacements park, as the themepark setting attracts me more than the fantasy style approach of the HK's park.. Also that entrance is so damn sexy :) But I only looked at the overviews and will look more closely in-game before voting..
  • Marino%s's Photo

    ^^Lol, I feel almost exactly the opposite, as the HK's looks like it's trying to be like le reve parapluie. Atm I'm leaning more into voting for the Replacements park, as the themepark setting attracts me more than the fantasy style approach of the HK's park.. Also that entrance is so damn sexy :) But I only looked at the overviews and will look more closely in-game before voting..

    Well, you know. Opinions are like n-

    Nevermind. The entrance is indeed marvelous! The big picture just isn't very convincing to me in-game, while there are (as I mentioned) a few amazing structures. I'm usually not that fond of fantasy-themed parks, but this one absolutely put a big smile on my face. If the Replacements' park was just a bit more thought out (especially the ground organization, there's zero logic), it would've been a tough decision for me (hell, I damn love realism). But not now, unfortunately. :(
  • gijssie1234%s's Photo
    Both parks were very good, but they both have their bad sides.
    I opened the first park that was Warner,
    Wow, I also immediately got the feeling from Warner Bros., very clean, hollywood, china, mexican, there were many fine buildings, attractions, planting etc.
    The downsides were that not everything is completely finished.
    After Disney's American water frond is the best park I've seen during the H2H6. with tivoli garden and park eddah on 3 and 4

    when I opened "Corsair Veredian".
    it was exactly what I thought of it before I opened it. another fantasy park with pirate boats, balloons, trees etc. ....
    it was well done but very exciting, I did not.
    it was too messy in my eyes,

    my choice was not difficult to make.
    Posted ImageI vote The Replacements
  • Sulakke%s's Photo
    Why is there Inception music on a Batman ride? :p
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Posted ImageI vote Heaven's Kitchen

    As stated before, this park had new ideas but some where repetitive, such as the trees and boats. However there was alot of new stuff that really helped out. The dueling woodies for example with the loops, not common but done well here. Also the use of the smaller details such as the mine ride transport, the swamp dwellers ride, just the small stuff like Marino said earlier really made this park new. A good mix of fantasy elements for me.

    Park Warner was just another park really that we've seen so many times, ok the premier was new but its just ripped off of real life. Still a good park though.

    Definitely a good finals match, well done both teams!
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    Nice matchup but the HK felt repetitive...

    Great park by the replacements yet again and the first of their team that not feels like the rest of the parks they've made this season... kudos!

    Posted ImageI vote The Replacements
  • gijssie1234%s's Photo
    After Disney's American water frond there are no other winning parks :)
  • trav%s's Photo
    Liam you've stepped up your game so much this competition
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    So I've watched them both several times in-game, and I think they're both quite final-unworthy tbh, especially after PC's amazing semi's park and other great parks this season.

    PW looked quite unfinished, and it looks like you guys just cut of unfinished pieces to make it look somewhat finished. What was there was nice though, especially the entrance and the Ferris Airfield complex with attached buildings.. I couldn't care for the rest. Too boring and too unfinished.

    CV had too many awful pathing and borrowed ideas.. All the flying air balloons/ships look like they were copied right out of le reve parapluie. I also think they are overused. And boring. The landscaping didn't do much for me too. Too many steep jagged tiles which makes the whole of the park chaotic rather than atmospheric. The big trees with overused tops blocked too many views and are not original anymore imo. The only bit I did like was the architecture in the top left corner. Great job whoever did that (altho I have an idea as it reminds me of the pirate style architecture from Aquatica previous season)..

    Anyway, disappointing final parks, and with the slightest margin possible Posted ImageI vote Heaven's Kitchen
  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo
    ^ Just want to say that there wasn't a single ship in le reve. and balloons =/= umbrellas.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo

    ^ Just want to say that there wasn't a single ship in le reve. and balloons =/= umbrellas.

    This is what I meant:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Don't take every word so literally, it's about the idea.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Any resemblance between the two parks is coincidental. In fact, Corsair Veredian's concept is older than La Rêve. I agree that both parks do have some overlap, for example both parks indeed have a balloon ship, but it's not intentional. Moreover, I think the parks are completely different if you looks past those few resemblances. La Rêve was a surreal piece of art, a dream. This is a more orthodox fantasy park, no surreal or artistic vague stuff. It's 2001: A Space Odyssey versus Armageddon. Both feature a spaceship, but for the rest...
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    I'm speechless.

    Posted ImageI vote Heaven's Kitchen

    I'm sorry nin, but Heavens Kitchen really impressed me. Fantastic!
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    ^^ Aren't dreams a fantasy? :p


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