Park / Hasten
14-June 12
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The landscape might as well be flat and doesn't add anything to the park. The trees seem to be random, and they sort of form a pattern since they're so evenly placed (draws the eye away from the rides...).
Think about what makes a go cart race fun--is it long, scenic straight-aways by a serene lake?
I can't open the park though, so I don't know what the architecture looks like, but the path layout is strange to say the least. Why the long stretch off in the middle of nowhere that connects under the lift hill?
Seriously though, you should have posted it over on NLE, I'd have critiqued the shit out of it for you.
The main thing I hated is the fact that this was built in 5 years. It pisses me off to see the least amount of time on a park/design.
The path layouts are horrible. You broke up a triplewide path that has architecture close to the paths on both sides. This makes it feel really cramped. The queue line for the woody feels half-assed, as more effort could have been made than just adding a fence around the queue. However, I did somewhat liked the interaction with the queue and coaster.
The architecture is bad. Really bad. This is due to the lack of effort given in to it is the main problem. Try to use deco blocks, poles and posts, and windows to add important detail to the buildings.
The coaster layout was the best thing about the design. The kart layout was bad due to the fact of how expansive it was ( TIP: if you are going to make a ride like a flume or kart expansive like this, make it really well themed ). However, another thing that showed promise is that carousel.
The composition did not make sense. You add a seating area quite far away from a eating place. Why? You could have made more room to make everything more spacious.
The landscaping/Foliage was another thing that really needs improvment. There were no bushes from what I could see. It was mostly flat grass, which is totally unrealistic in most situations.
Simply, for your next project, Take more time than 5 YEARS to create a design. It and improvment at the game may prove you to be successful at another take at a design.
EDIT: I have triple thrill pack, and I can still differentiate between stock RCT2 and WW/TT.
Either way I appreciate the critisism, and I will for sure work on those.
Ive hit the 40 yr mark on a log flume and some composition stuff. Im slowwww......
Like mostly said, your park needs a lot more work.