Ask the Experts / Help needed
06-January 12
Kenneth Offline
Hi guys,
Dimi, BelgianGuy and I are having some problems with our group park. A while ago, I noticed that I got an error trapper when I tried opening the latest savegames. Dimi & BelgianGuy didn't have any problems. I found out that I could open them when I used "Remove unused objects" in Parkdat and as I wasn't building on the park at that moment, we let it be.
Now all of a sudden Dimi has the same problem as well. When he tries to open any savegame, starting at the file which gave an error trapper for me as well, he gets the same error trapper: "Error Trapper: Exception Raised - Access Violation | Error Location: Unknown". He either doesn't get to see the map at all or gets the error trapper the moment the file opens. BelgianGuy still hasn't got any problems.
I've looked into it and found out that SFSPIN causes the problem for me. When I remove that object, I can open the savegames without a problem. The weird thing is that SFSPIN was always included in the savegame. Dimi still gets an error trapper when he tries to open the savegames, even without SFSPIN.
Any ideas? -
Levis Offline
might be there is a dublicate version of the object and in the cases you can't opend the park you have the dublicated version in your obj data folder.
maybe there are some other objects which are dublicated also.
lately I've had some off these problems also so I suspect someone submitted a park with dublicated objects which got theire way to some of our obj data folders. -
Kenneth Offline
Can we do something about that? I imagine reinstalling rct and starting with a fresh objdata would solve the problem (actually, I did it earlier and it did help)? But then we still risk that other people will have the same problem when opening our park, don't we? -
Dimi Offline
I just completely deleted and reinstalled RCT2 but I still get the same error trapper when I try to open the savedgame. I only get the error trapper with the savedgames from Hard Rock Park, while Kenneth and BelgianGuy don't. I have no idea what's going on and no idea what I can do. Has anyone ever read about something like this? -
Dimi Offline
I opened the park in parkdat but I can't find anything unusual at first sight...Is there a way to check if parkdat gives any errors? -
Dimi Offline
No, all of the boxes are either empty or have names starting with letters in them, except for two types of path and a glass roof starting with • and a newly made large object starting with ", but those objects work fine and have never caused any trouble... Anything else that could cause an error like this? Thanks for your help by the way! -
BelgianGuy Offline
would any of the people that posted here with advice be willing to recieve the park in PM to see if thereare other people that have the problem with the save... -
Louis! Offline
Because if you delete path that is 'unused' you could have accidentally removed the path that was originally in the gap between the entrance if you understand. This causes an error trapper.
Basically Parkdat doesn't register the middle square (where the path is) on an entrance gate. So if this path is not used elsewhere in the park and only on that square then parkdat wont register it being used. So if deleted this will cause an error trapper.
This probably isn't the problem though. -
Kenneth Offline
If that was the case, the savegame would give an error trapper for everyone, wouldn't it? -
Levis Offline
I tried it for you and got the same error.
I can open the previous version but not the other version directly from windows.
BUT when I first open a previous version which I can open and than open the new version I can open it. So try that to see if it works. It's a problem we had before, some older parks had this problem also (I remember for example the time machine by x250) which only could be opened when first opening an other park.
Hope this fixes it. -
Dimi Offline
Sorry I forgot to answer here. Even when I first open another saved game, I still get an error trapper. Some HRPB saved games are paused. When I open them I can still explore the map and open windows, but it gives an error when I unpause the game. Other HRPB saved games immediatly give an error trapper without even showing the map.
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