Custom Scenery Exchange / Liampie's Object Studio
30-June 11
Liampie Offline
I will post all my objects here.
03-07-'13 - New trees! Large chinese cedar, small crooked birch, large weeping willow.LMPTRE09.DAT (48.64KB)
downloads: 22LMPTRE10.DAT (55.58KB)
downloads: 21LMPTRE11.DAT (7.83KB)
downloads: 23
08-05-'13 - New lilypads! Finally it's possible to make irregular, organic fields of lilypads. Colourable, permanently zero clearanced, and glitchless as far as I know. A perfect addition to anyone's foliage collection!LMPLILY1.DAT (1.22KB)
downloads: 28
06-05-'13 - New multifunctional barrels!LMPBRL01.DAT (1.75KB)
downloads: 21LMPBRL02.DAT (1.72KB)
downloads: 21
downloads: 33
A metal roof similar to Kumba's, but by far not as sterile. Texture by idontknowwhomadeit.LMPRFM01.DAT (1.66KB)
downloads: 35
Object for making custom trees, half tile.LMPTRE01.DAT (21.4KB)
downloads: 34
I thought my previous tree object (I released with PiraƱa) was a little too big. Still has a better scale than most default RCT trees, but not 100% what I needed. I wanted to make the same object with another texture anyway so I took the opportunity to do it right this time. I think the scale is perfect now! Also, to cover up bare trunks I made a zeo clearance bush object. 0-2 of these in each corner of the tree will make the tree look much better!
For comparison, the old tree (slightly bigger than necessary, I admit) and two new ones. The bush also works great as horse shit and miniature trees.LMPBSH01.DAT (1.45KB)
downloads: 44LMPTRE06.DAT (13.37KB)
downloads: 44
Colourable Roman statue in three versions.LMPSTT1C.DAT (3.4KB)
downloads: 24 (quartertile with guano)LMPSTT2C.DAT (3.27KB)
downloads: 23 (quartertile clean)LMPSTT3C.DAT (15.04KB)
downloads: 24 (large scenery version for putting a statue at the corner of a tile)
That one deco object everyone uses looks like shit. It's too thick and the colours are way off. I redid the object with better colours so it's compatible with other objects. I included a new error as well, which is a misalignment of one of the objects from one angle. Not nearly as bad as being too fat and having weird colours.LMPDEC01.DAT (926bytes)
downloads: 40LMPDEC02.DAT (926bytes)
downloads: 37
Object by Kumba made colourable.LMPSIGN1.DAT (1.37KB)
downloads: 35
Fatboy bean bags, also useful as (garbage) bags.LMPBEAN1.DAT (1.08KB)
downloads: 26
Larger street lights, colourable and with added ornaments.LMPPTA02.DAT (2.12KB)
downloads: 35
Window by makonix (?), reduced clearances for easy stackingLMPWIN01.DAT (2.65KB)
downloads: 32
Leadlight windows (pirate windows), easily stackableLMPGILR1.DAT (1.62KB)
downloads: 32 (small window)LMPGILR2.DAT (2.63KB)
downloads: 31 (large window)
Diagonal pathblockLMPPTH01.DAT (7.74KB)
downloads: 28
More coming up.
Enjoy! -
Casimir Offline
do they appear in the ?-tab ?
I think I might actually use them in D, looks gorgeous =) -
Liampie Offline
I updated the first post. The stackable mkx window was previously unreleased and never shown before!
Yes they they appear in the ?-tab ?
*returns cough*Cough!
Very nice work. I hope you submit it to my site, so I can add it with the SoK set that I'll be posting soon
I'm not sure why I'd submit it, it's not a pack or a tab. I don't see the point of bundling them under their own tab either, because that would be basically the ?-tab with another image.
edit: Added another object. This was made on request, sort of. If you have any suggestions for new obects or requests, ask. I'm an expert in recycling old textures for new objects. -
Kumba Offline
You really should consider a tab for these objects because when you get to many objects in the ? tab objects will stop showing up. Also I did a version of Hobbes' slanted walls in Kumba, so idk if you did the same thing again here? -
That Guy Offline
Very good, very useful objects. I can't believe we went this long without having decent fucking trees.
You should really see if you can fix that glitch with your slanted deco-trims, though.
One thing, if you're going to keep adding to this, it would be nice if you specified the object type next to every download. -
Awesome trees, it's amazing what you can make just reusing basegame bushes and trees. -
Luigi Offline
The trees are really nice.
The windows and deco objects are also better this way.
andCool...I've always wanted a decent horse shit object.
Magnus Offline
That one deco object everyone uses looks like shit. It's too thick and the colours are way off. I redid the object with better colours so it's compatible with other objects. I included a new error as well, which is a misalignment of one of the objects from one angle. Not nearly as bad as being too fat and having weird colours.
LMPDEC01.DAT (926bytes)
downloads: 40LMPDEC02.DAT (926bytes)
downloads: 37
However, the shading on your object is wrong and it has the glitch. Now guess which I would call the "shitty object".
Nevertheless. Great work on the other objects. -
Cocoa Offline
those are all awesome! i always hated how hard it could be to stack windows... and those slanty objects were a bitch. great work. -
BelgianGuy Offline
hey liam, the kumba inspired rooves would look better if they were a little thicker not just a flat texture with an angle if you know what I mean -
Liampie Offline
BG those already exist (they're in SF Carolina, if I'm correct) and this is merely a variation.
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