(Archive) Advertising District / Musket
19-June 11
Kumba Offline
Much like my Gaelic Meadow design this coaster's layout is mostly from a old park that I don't intend to finish. Also I hope to get cameos in the design from some of my favorite LL parkmakers like how in GM Mike Robbins, dlh and 5Dave made contributions.
The theme will be one I have only seen once or twice, American Revolutionary War.
Planned Rides:
- Musket (Wooden Roller Coaster): Will be a large out and back style woodie. Will not be true to any real designer, but still kinda realistic, or "Kumba realistic" which is not normally realistic to anyone but me
- Unnamed (Walkthrough/Ghost Train): A haunted church and its graveyard will be the setting for this ride
- Unnamed (Staged show): This will be a battle re-enactment. Not sure if one has been done in RCT, so I can't wait to see what I can do with this idea
- Kicks like a mule (custom flat): I have no idea, im just making this for the sake of naming it
First look is of the main trun-around on the woodie...
This will be a side project to Logos, which Xcoaster has right now. Both I hope to finish before the end of the Summer.
Looking forward to your feedback, tho like always with feedback, I normally bite back -
rct2isboss Offline
^ Agreed. Is there any other differnet objects instead of barrels that would fit this?
Other than that, it looks very good. -
Liampie Offline
What's with the staff and all the barrels? I'm not sure I like the virginia reel track.
Foliage is fantastic, great colours! I'm looking forward to seeing more of this! -
mardy Offline
It is good, but i'm not a big fan of it.
The barrels, virginia Haspel track, meh...
The foilage is good, i expected more from you. -
Comet Offline
All those other coaster tracks as supports just makes it look messy and unbelievable to me -
Kumba Offline
Ok, got to admit that reel was not one of my better ideas. Still kinda stuck on that spot. Tried a few beams, still unsure... tho I really like how the rest is coming along...
Next updates should show more themeing and some hacking -
Cocoa Offline
aah much better. classy. i don't like the logs at the bottom of the supports though, that just looks silly. use the regular wooden fence if anything. -
Luigi Offline
Foliage and lay-out look great so far. The logs are strange indeed. I also don't really get all the junk and the staff.... -
BelgianGuy Offline
the staff is brilliant in terms of the theme as you said it's based on the civil war or war of independence so yeah it looks like a little camp by the soldiers to stay warm for the night^^ -
Kumba Offline
Yep that's pretty much what that is. The mechanics are red coats and the handymen are the Americans, so there is a small fight in the one area with the smoke hack. The logs were pretty common as a fence back then, so I think I'll keep them.
Codex is fun. Doing a lot of cloning for support details, might post some pics of that soon. -
posix Offline
Eh, I'm excited you're doing LL, but other than that I have to say I'm not at all impressed. A layout, some trees, and shrubs.
... ? -
robbie92 Offline
Part of the issue I think is that you're trying to translate your kitchen-sink RCT2 style into LL; in RCT2, you can pile on lots of objects and it can still look relatively organized (ie Gondwanna or DRC), but in LL, pile on too many things and it just looks extremely over-hacked and overbearing. I just feel you're trying to make everything overly complex, which makes LL look bad. Maybe scale it down a tad and it'll be wonderful. Even the most detailed LLers (Roomie, Ed, Pierrot, Loopy, Fatha) manage to put in details without piling it on and making it a mess. Those guys are your best influences for this. -
pierrot Offline
'hit the nail on the head'Part of the issue I think is that you're trying to translate your kitchen-sink RCT2 style into LL; in RCT2, you can pile on lots of objects and it can still look relatively organized (ie Gondwanna or DRC), but in LL, pile on too many things and it just looks extremely over-hacked and overbearing. I just feel you're trying to make everything overly complex, which makes LL look bad. Maybe scale it down a tad and it'll be wonderful.
Eh, I'm excited you're doing LL, but other than that I have to say I'm not at all impressed.
Kumba Offline
There is nothing overly complex about it imo. Look what posix said, if anything he's saying it's simple. To me overly complex is something like New New York in CoD or City of God in BGSA.
Anyways here is another look at the coaster. I used codex to add square supports to it. -
robbie92 Offline
Darren, you always get defensive when I say your work is complex. While atm it's just layout w/ trees and some frozen staff, your custom supports have a ton of rides in them, you're adding a lot of barrel pieces, and there's a lot of "added" stuff. Overall, it's unfinished and doesn't have a ton of content, but what content is there is packed with stuff.
This latest screen is an exception. THAT is how it should stay, support/ride wise.
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