(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Phantasia Worldtour (unfinished)

  • turbin3%s's Photo

    Posted Image

    really sad, but we will never finish this park.
    It's the PT3 Bench, so don't worry about odd objects with opening the park. ;)


    In late March ’09 Turbin3 got the idea to start a Collabo.
    He asked two builders, Colorado-Fan and Schittie, if they are interested to help and they were.
    So the general discussing about theme-areas and rides began.
    After ~ two weeks of planning, Turbin3 started with building the parking lots and the street. After that he began with the first theme-area Germany.
    Then Colorado-Fan and Schittie, who was removed later, did some working on Scandinavia and Russia.
    Because of the fact that Schittie was really slow with building and seeming to be uninterested, he was removed after a long discussion.
    Everything he had built until then was removed.
    So Turbin3 and Colorado-Fan were the only builders.
    The next theme-areas which had been started were India (Turbin3) and England (Colorado-Fan).
    These two areas took some time. In this time Prodigy came back to RCT2 and we asked him, if he wants to help. He was interested.
    The new project name was: “Project CTP”.
    Turbin3 began with America, including a pier, and Alaska, the smallest area of all. 135 years of building took this park until now.
    Colorado-Fan & Prodigy ran out of time/inspiration, so the project was cancelled.

    Who did what?
    Turbin3: Parking-Lots, Administration-house, Germany, India, Alaska, America, some landscaping, Park-Logo
    Colorado-Fan: Scandinavia, England

    Cheers too:
    Geewhzz: for removing a black hole-glitch
    Cena: ^for trying it (he had no time)
    Community: for giving us good tipps, while the project and supporting it


    If someone wants to finish it, feel free! :)

    Comments are welcome.

    Please note: Some stuff in it is really old, so dont wonder about not so good quality. Thanks.

    Turbin3 & Colorado-Fan
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    No comments?
  • Rhynos%s's Photo
    No pics.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    ^ Rhynos, next time check the AD first. 

    Too bad it is unfinished Yannik :( 
  • Welshcraft%s's Photo
    I like it too bad its unfinnished but you could have continued it good job on the b&M layout
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    In places this park was amazing. In other parts it wasn't great.

    Valhalla was brilliant as was Thor, except I didn't like the first drop. The area with the red Arrow coaster was also quite nice.

    I hated the fact that as soon as you entered the park you were hit by an array of rides, most of them being thrill rides too. An entrance should be calming and atmospheric, with shops. It's the gateway to the park, it should lead you into the park not throw you in at the deep end. It also seemed to lack an entrance building too, but that may just be my memory.

    I thought alaska was pretty awful, also I didn't like the pier, I didn't see the need for it. The woodie was superb though as was Geysir.

    There was a great amount of ideas in there, it was a great park, i'd really like to see it finished so I would finish it myself but I don't think I would get all that far, could be worth a shot though.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    I've got lots of time on my hands, so I could finish it.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    DL is not working... try sendspace or something else.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Here it is:
    Attached File  Phantasia_Worldtour117.zip (4.33MB)
    downloads: 247

    Thanks for all the comments so far! :)
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Best eating area ever created?
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Yeah, the eating area is awesome. Yannik, would it be ok if I can finish it for you. I also think it seems like that wooden coaster would be in an irish theme.
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    um, i think brent was being sarcastic
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Yeah he was. Theres no seats :/
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    we know he was kidding because the best eating area is obviously Liams resturaunt in DWI

    its still mighty impressive though. who made that?
  • turbin3%s's Photo

    Thanks for all comments.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Yeah he was. Theres no seats :/

    I don't see what's wrong with not having seats. The 'restaurant' doesn't look like some huge buffet or anything like that, more like some simple fastfood. It's common to eat fastfood at 'bar tables'! Actually I think it's a nice detail.

    It's not the right place to do this, but fuck it: Thanks Sam!
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Yeah but those are clearly not bar tables, and most of the time bar tables have bar stools around them to sit on.
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Uhhh, wasn't kidding. I really do love the look of that.
  • gir%s's Photo
    Yeah, that is lovely. The classical look is pulled off very nicely. Also interesting how the umbrellas look like the tree--it gives off a very natural feel.


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