Park / Tomahawk
- 02-October 11
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nin 95% geewhzz 85% wheres_walto 85% robbie92 80% K0NG 70% Liampie 70% Maverix 70% Levis 65% 5dave 60% JDP 60% tyandor 60% BelgianGuy 55% prodigy 55% turbin3 55% Wicksteed 50% 66.92% - 2 fans Fans of this park
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Comment System Offline
verti Offline
BelgianGuy Offline
chorkiel Offline
Rest will follow tomorrow !
Liampie Offline
This area was really brilliantly designed. Just a shame there wasn't more of this; as BG said, you shrunk the map way too close! The foliage could've been better too.
Congrats SRF, keep up the good work! Give us another park sometime.
Insanity Offline
Cocoa Offline
RRP Offline
Fizzix Offline
nin Offline
I did think the archy could have been done a bit better, as while it had interesting forms execution-wise they could have been better. You now have an area of skill to work on, proceed.
geewhzz Offline
K0NG Offline
And Cocoa....while I can obviously understand where you're coming from, the fact that a design like this doesn't pack as much onto the map as you or I might, it doesn't take down the quality of what's there one iota. Plus, it was finished
robbie92 Offline
pierrot Offline
Cocoa Offline
posix Offline
Flap Offline
The other stuff looks like i've seen that before in a far far past.
chorkiel Offline
Congratulations on the design !
I liked this and all but as said before, SHRUNKEN TOO SMALL !!
The plain roof doesn't really work for me neither.
Gratz again and next time make it bigger !
Xtreme97 Offline
It was, however, very compact and the coaster kind of ate up all the space. I know this has been said before, but it's an important factor, so don't cramp things too much next time.
Congrats on your win and i hope to see more from you soon
robbie92 Offline