Park / Hersheypark

Park_1231 Hersheypark


  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    I recently linked this in a discussion about why NE is what it is today. I can't say this was the first time anyone tried to build truly realistically in RCT, or even that this was the beginning of a realism trend, but it remains a sort of high-water-mark that made people reconsider the ways they could turn their Megaparks into something more closely resembling an actual theme park environment, like the then-newly-opened IoA.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Good point. I remember many people who would later become legendary LL players quote this as an important inspiration during their early days with the game.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    i almost shit myself because i thought this was jjaymforce's and it was unfinished

    thank you
  • Hex%s's Photo

    i almost shit myself because i thought this was jjaymforce's and it was unfinished

    thank you

    You and me both, lol.
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Just took a look at this, with my newly aqcuired knowledge of the real park. Taking into consideration this park's age, it's very impressive and I can see how it has been influential. The most notable flaw in my opinion is the spacing, the paths are often too cramped and narrow. There's also the strip of trees on one side of the map, while the other side of the map is also cramped and what is in reality the rear end of the park has been folded over to fit next to the entrance. If Greg Reese started the entrance closer to the corner of the map, things would've fit better. In short, poor planning. Still a very good effort, and it's very interesting to see what Hersheypark looked like in the year 2000.



    Looking forward to your next park Greg! Haha!

  • Ling%s's Photo

    The park does suffer from being off-center. Wildcat in particular seemed totally wrong to me. I have to give it props for being (one of?) the first serious attempt at a full-scale real park to have this kind of pedigree.